My JW sister brought her fiance and future inlaws over to meet my grandparents who had never been in the org. Now things are going fairly well, everyone's laughing and joking until my sister's father in law asks "so, what congregation are you in" My grandma replies "none, I'm not a Jehovah's witness". The man didn't say one word to her for thr rest of the day. not even goodbye when he left.
What is your most ridiculous example of being shunned?
by formerout 46 Replies latest jw experiences
I've never been DF'd or DA'd, I just quite everything abut 8 years ago. When I got married 4 years ago my mom and sister refused to attend the wedding. They said that attend was condoning my marrying a "worldly" person. Funny part is they both went to my brother's wedding and he's not even a witness and they don't have any problem coming to stay for the weekend.
Funny side note to the story. My sister got engaged around the same time I got married. She was really in her Holier than thou state of mind. I think she had allot to do with my mom not coming to the wedding. When she got married my wife and I didn't go out of principle. I'm suprised we were even invited. Less than a year later her wonderful pioneer husband leaves her and starts doing drugs. Takes another two years of seperation for elders to decide to let her get a divorce. Now she's back home living with my mom. I'm still married to and incredible woman and we are very happy together. Karma can be a real bitch sometimes.
Seeking Knowledge
I have a "reverse" shunning story. I've always been taught that if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't. So when it's time to interact with my ex and his wife (both JW's) due to several outbursts by this girl, I find it best to just "be". I don't engage in small talk, I don't say anything. The last outburst she had with me, I found out that my "ignoring" her when we are in the same room is "rude" and "disrespectful" and I'm being immature. Reading all this, I'm thinking maybe she's getting a dose of what she's supposed to be?
Brad, that was moronic! Guest77
Hecklerboy, "What goes around comes around." Guest77
AK - Jeff
I don't know if this qualifies as 'ridiculous' - but it was certainly the most 'painful' I have had.
We exited on our own steam in the past year - due to conscience. In spite of not ever meeting with the elders or being charged with any 'crime' - the shunning started a few months back. About 6 months ago my mother died - she was an inactive witness herself (for many years), so for her sake I would not have expected much interest from the congregation. But I had been an active 'core' member for most of the past 35 years. Only one elder came to the Funeral Home, and one other sister. They both came due to my direct invitation to them - and because they are genuine good people. Out of a congregation of 100+ that had known us intimitely for decades two witnesses came. No one sent a flower, no one sent a card, no one called to give condolences, no one stopped by the house. Not a soul!!
I sure am glad I had read Jesus words that 'by this all will know you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves'. Now I know for sure that this cannot be Jesus' choice. This was hatred of the worse kind.
I can relate to that hecklerboy. I too was never DF or Da'd (I left just before I was supposed to be baptised). When I got married to a non JW in an Anglican church my Mom, Dad, and my various step moms and dads happily showed up. My JW sister never came saying she had a club med vacation that she couldn't get out of.