Everyone had a feather up their but about Proctor & Gamble, and Subaru when I came in, I just thought it was the "wierd Witnesses" that followed all this BS. You know the ones that are askeeered of wind chimes, pinatas, saying "god bless you", birthday cake, "toasting", breaking the speed limit, stylish clothing, smurfs etc. etc.
Talk about the "truth" setting them free... I've never seen such 'fraidy cats, quite a superstitious bunch!
And one last personal tidbit about that bombing. Some time after the bombing occured, I heard a tape recording of an Australian brother giving a talk and relating the account.
I very distinctly remember him commenting on the compassion and outpouring of concern from the community, including (gasp) other churches, womens auxillaries, that type of thing, and then he commented something to the effect that perhaps that was something JWs should consider ( being more prominent in charitable works in the community) He was very humble and sincere in that comment.
That one comment was one of the very first pangs of conscience, that made me think about JWism and perhaps everthing wasn't fine in Tinseltown.
Oh come on people. You mean to tell me that no one heard about that "special talk" that was held in, I think, North Carolina? It occurred sometime around 2000-2001. This special talk was held in a public park with everyone invited. BTW, this UL came by way of email. It seemed very legitimate too. Names were included, even the brother's name who gave the talk. The talk was something about the end being very close, the usual vomit. Anyways, my F-I-L got all worked up about this email and was very excited about it happening in a park. He said he wished the Society would do that more often. He even knew this "brother" from years past while working at bethel. So of course it had to be true. I on the other hand knew it sounded like an UL and told him he better check with his sources at bethel to see if it really happened. He was a little upset that I would question something like this occurring since it appeared to be so legitimate in the email. I just told him he had better check it out before sending it out to everyone on his email list or else he would look like a fool too.
Well, a few weeks later I hadn't heard anything from him about the "talk" so when he called I answered and asked him if he ever found out what really happened. He said he made a few calls and heard that it was made up and that he didn't understand why a witness would make up such a thing. I just said in a polite way, "I told you so."
A JW sister was dating this young man. She couldn't marry him because he wasn't baptized and so he studied, became a JW. One day as they were walking by the ocean, she wanted to test him to see if he got baptized for the "the right reasons", so she threw her book bag into the ocean and claimed "I don't want to serve Jehovah anymore". He then threw his bag into the ocean saying that he agreed. And so on that she decided to not marry him.