Upon a fine conversation with a good forum member last night I started to think about the meaning of the word spiritual. Many people, including some agnostics and atheists, use this word with some regularity. "I'm not religious, but I am spiritual" is something even I have said. People talk about the "spiritual experience" of walking along the ocean, of being with a loved one, of art -- even of sex! This brings up a very important question, though: What is spirituality?
I posit that, unless you actually believe in some form of incorporeal Spirit -- either God, a soul, the "Force", etc. -- it is not correct to use the word spiritual at all. All the experiences I listed in the above paragraph -- nature, friendship, art, sex -- are physical/emotional experiences. The only way one can say that there is a "spritual" dimension to them is if there actually is some sort of spirit! There may or may not be, but belief in a spirit realm on some level seems to be the only way one can legitimately use the word spritual (spirituality, etc).
So, instead of saying that your walk in the Grand Canyon was a "spiritual experience" the proper thing for a disbeliever in spirit to say is that it was a "very moving, emotional/aesthetic experience." Yes?
Does anyone disagree?