Logansrun, you are going far to deep for me.
I agree with Allan's (although I am no longer riding a motorcycle):
For example, I can say "it was a spiritual experience riding through the Rocky Mountains on my motorcycle", and most people will know perfectly well what I mean. They won't think that I suddenly found religion. They won't think that I saw ghosts while on my ride. They'll easily understand that I'm talking about a feeling of respect for the grandeur and beauty of nature, and a sense of wonder at it all.
because human language is "living" and constantley changing, today's meaning has practically nothing to do with "Spirits" all what is going on at your MIND (coming from within as Elsewhere stated) is called today spiritual (that is when it is on a moral high level) it is a bit strange to say that "it was a mental experience riding through the Rocky Mountains "
just my idea.