by bebu 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Kaethra

    bebu - that was AWESOME! Do you have a link to the previous thread(s)? You should embed it here because you did so great!

    I remember being on a "call" with my mother...must have been at least 10 years ago...she was studying with a woman named Daisy, (who we later found out was schizophrenic, poor dear), and she was very calmly telling my mother that the bible stated that Jesus' body was raised. (Sorry, I can't remember all the details of this particular bible story and the Tower's spin on it.) I just remember her reading a scripture from her bible and my mother reading the same scripture from the New World Translation and neither of us could come up with an explanation for what was so clearly there. We looked at each other like deer in headlights but we just mumbled something about how it meant something different than what it actually said and that we'd do some research and get back to her (classic jw line!). I never forgot that.

    When you are a faithful witness, you just can't possibly imagine that the organization could be wrong. Your mind always finds a way to justify - mind control at its finest. It's very scary.

  • bebu
    It's very scary.

    You forgot this emoticon! It fits!




    One concrete thing that keeps me going, despite the "scariness", is knowing YOU ex-dubs who somehow DID overcome all that brainwashing... Difficult... aggravating!... but there's always hope!


  • bebu

    Yesterday my JW friend dropped by in the morning. She brought me the Reasoning with the Scriptures book, and I am, I believe, to read the discussions about Jesus.

    What a slim little book this is. It is like a pocket reference, except the type isn't even tiny. I'm surprised... is this the big book of evidence that all JWs rely on? Well, maybe that's why WTs need to be published... (sigh).

    She said she asked the elder to speak with me, and he's agreed. I told her that it wouldn't happen till after the new year. I asked her to let him look at the UN site, and to find the URL I wrote down on a pice of paper: "site:un.org watchtower" and told her to tell him to Google these two words. They will pull up pages with 'watchtower' only on the UN's website. The page he should read is the first that comes up.

    We spent about 30 minutes talking about how we talk about issues--I told her that I had one very big issue that needed an answer (the concession by Hayden Covington that "unity (is essential even) based upon a forced acceptance of false prophecy"), and she had another big issue (the trinitarian abomination) that she needed answering. So it looks like I will have to try to demonstrate that there is enough Biblical support for a trinitarian viewpoint, even if she doesn't agree with it herself.

    BTW, I pointed out to her that James and John, Paul, and all the other names they had listed for "making mistakes" had simply made errors of judgment... but had NOT made a false prophecy. John and James had a private opinion, and asked a private question. Jesus did not rebuke them for false prophecy, but challenged them since they were naive about their request. Not one of the people who made 'mistakes' in the Bible proclaimed or printed or distributed false prophecy, so the comparison was completely inappropriate and there was still no 'excuse' allowed here.

    I guess in her case, until she sees that the WT might have some holes in their theology, she won't move. Or even, if she can admit that there is an alternate view allowed beside the WT's. It seems to me like cutting down a tree... You make a big cut on one side, and then give a small cut on the other so that the tree can fall forward toward the large cut. I think she sees (and is trying to forget!) trouble with the WT's integrity. But the theology is keeping her in. I'll have to slice in the back now a bit, and hope it helps.

    It was an encouraging chat, very relaxed and thoughtful. She came back later and brought me some pecan cookies.


  • Panda

    WOW I just happened to see this post. Bebu you really do have patience. Keep up the good work.

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