Are there any? To restate: when is comes to being friends with someone, are you "obligated" to do certain things?
Obligations to Friends
by StinkyPantz 37 Replies latest jw friends
Just keep using those fabulous avatars, and I'll feel obligated to to whatever things you want me to!
~Quotes, of the "naughty boy" class -
I am very loyal to friends and will do anything under the sun for a friend..I feel like it is my job whenever a friend needs anything that I find it for them or help them with problems. I don't know if you would call it obligation or what, though.
I guess it would depend on the friend. But you should never feel obligated to your friends, a true friend would not make
you feel like you were obligated to them. When it comes to my best friend, and other close friends, i will bend over backwards to help, not out of
obligation, but because i truly love my friends. -
Been there
A friend should enrich your life, not make your life harder or hurt you. You should enrich a friends life, not make their life harder or hurt them. Does that help?
Are there any? is a pretty wide open area, yes there are....but what?
If a friend tells you something personal about themselves and says don't tell anyone, I think you have an obligation not to tell ANYONE.
If a friend said they killed someone and wanted me to help get rid of the body, I'm afraid my obligation is with the police, not the friend. Who wants friends that kill people.
You are not obligated to lend a friend money but it is nice if you can to help out, just expect it to be a gift. Much easier to borrow then to pay back. Who wants friends that will take your money and not pay back.
You are obligated to yourself first then to a friend, if you can live with it.......go for it.
"Obligated"? To astrict, bind, constrain, force, indebt, make indebted, oblige, restrain, restrict? Nah. Not in my book.
But friends are moved. For example, if you know a friend just lost their job, or their pet, you won't feel an obligation to go over and put an arm 'em and cry w/ 'em, but I bet you will. If you're a friend, anyway. For friends, you just GO. And DO.
Been there
Good answer Teejay!
You sum it up pretty well, methinks.
Do you mean, however, that friends aren't obliged to tell all their deepest darkest secrets? -
Nope, I wouldn't do anything out of obligation for my friends. I love my friends, and as such, would do everything within my power to help them out of love, but never out of a false sense of obligation. That's saved for certain family members!
Although having said that, I did feel obliged to tell LT that his legs looked good in his kilt!
Yeah! What you said Bull !!! ( ditto)