it's funny how people who hate the jw's so much stick around the forum..

by jwbloodline 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mrsjones5

    no you havent posted anything against my beliefs since you dont know what they are.

    what i am posting about here is youre belief that this site is for jws which is not. and somehow since you have focused on me i think you have some sexual maturity problems to deal how dare a woman question you.

    well baby youre in the real world get used to it.

    Mrs Jones

  • under74

    JWB- Some of us can get touchy yes but it's too simple to compare a JW experience to breaking up with a girlfriend. Perhaps you had a better experience than most of the people on this forum?

  • ThisGuy04


    just wanted to prove a point. nobody likes it when it's done to them..

    wow, you're clever

    how bout you do some *open minded* research on "the society"...not from jw stuff, and hell, not even from "apostate" stuff....i think you may be surprised...i know i was

  • jwbloodline

    that is still your belief. You seem to have a complex about being heard. You must have been shut down all your life cause you type real big! Making sure that everyone reads your big words. Your beliefs are that mine are wrong. I'm not even a jw just a student. so where does that put you. You are a big crybaby. Mrs jones is scared of men.. lol.. hahahah.. Type bigger i couldn't read your little words.. that hurt your little feelings...hahahahaha

    See.. Big tex explained it to me and i understand now. Thats how you respond to a post..

  • undercover
    But if you guys hate the Jw ways so much, why stick around the forum. the internet is full of things to do. Why stick around here if you are disfellowshiped or just fell off. Why stick around to a place where peeps don't really want you around?

    As has been explained, this forum is for anyone who wishes to discuss anything JW, but most people here are ex-JWs. The site is owned and run by an ex-JW. He welcomes all as long as they behave.

    So, you are incorrect in thinking that we aren't wanted here, we are wanted here. You are too as long as you behave.

    How much clearer can anyone make it?

    (Were we all this thick when we were still JWs?)

  • jwbloodline

    thisguys.. I respect that.. i'lll do that..

  • under74

    hey-JWB, there's no need for this.

  • jwbloodline

    Undercover brother... hahahaha

    ok.. I got it.. it's just funny to me that's all... theres just so much else you can be doing. You don't know how much of the world i know. anyways.. i got you. why undercover? who you hidin from? Jehovah can see you!

  • jwbloodline

    under 74 - your right.. i'm sorry

  • Narkissos


    Relax. No problem here.

    I left the JWs a long time ago, I have no hate for them; actually I keep very good memories of many JW friends. During many years I didn't care a lot about JWs in general, I just followed my own path among other people. What I recently found on this forum is a place where we can share about an important part of our life which almost nobody else can understand. It's fascinating to see the diversity of people who have such a common past, and their further experiences after leaving. Great people, great discussions. Sometimes we can help people who come up with questions and problems related to the JWs, and it becomes useful. That's about all as far as I'm concerned. Got it?

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