Jackson's and Boy's Prints Found on Porn Mags

by Elsewhere 46 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • MungoBaobab

    For the record, I take no position on Jackson's innocence or guilt.

    But does an older guy viewing porn with a younger guy, even underage, constitue or prove abuse? How else are kids supposed to get their hands on it (the porn, that is ). It sucks to be 14, horny, and unable to get any. I think pornography serves a very useful purpose in educating young people about anatomy and sexuality, provided they're sophisticated enough to understand its fantasy. It also serves as an outlet for sexual frustration; ex. would it be better for young teenagers to have sex or view porn? And for the record I'm not some porn addict, nor do I support all forms (underage, etc). I just feel it serves a useful purpose, mainly for young people.

    I'd love to be approached by a Dub offering an Awake on pornography.

    "Don't you agree that porn is a worldwide epidemic?"

    "Umm, no. Not really!"

  • shamus
    But does an older guy viewing porn with a younger guy, even underage, constitue or prove abuse?

    Yes. It's abuse, and illegal. That's the law.

  • redhotchilipepper

    Obviously Jackson's going to plead not guilty, they all do! I mean come on! He's such a sicko!

  • Mary
    I heard said it was a magazine called "Barely Legal" a porn mag with nubile teen girls.

    Michael Jackson's interested in naked GIRLS?? Now that would shock me more than anything!

  • xjw_b12

    Six. That was unnecessary.

  • heathen

    I would just like to say that just because they found the kids finger prints on a porn magazine does not mean guilt . I like to stay away from the lynch mob mentallity . How many of you are parents ? How many of you own pornography ? How hard is it to keep your pornography away from your kids ? Especially teenagers , I was a tean once myself so I know the minute a parent turns their back there is time to get into all sorts of things. LOL I'm just saying the kid may have just been digging around and found it . Who knows ? I know MJ is a pretty strange guy but why would he be that stupid after showing so much attention to youngsters ? Let's see if this thing goes to trial .

  • whyamihere

    I am so sick of hearing about this guy.

    You know he is sick you know he did it is sad and creepy how people still love him and think he is an icon. I am just tired of hearing another child getting hurt and people still wonder if that nasty ass sick creepy inhuman freak from the dark pitts of hell did it. He did. I want to know the person or persons here who thinks he didn't do it and give one reason why he didn't do it. I don't want to hear the BS of Innocent until proven guilty. Like I said its BS. Hello...... OJ first he is innocent and then guilty. Explain that while you are at it.

    MJ Burn in hell ! only kidding to those who take offense to that!

    Brooke WI

  • happyout

    I don't really know whether he is guilty or innocent, I think he probably engaged in inappropriate conduct, but I don't know if he ever touched the kid or actually molested him. I don't know what the charges specify, but I find it hard to believe he actually engaged in anal or oral sex. My reason is simple, this child and his family were on TV saying how wonderful Michael has been, and how he has helped cure the kid's illness. I just don't think they would have been so effusive in their praise for him if there was anything hinky going on.

    I also feel that since the family has filed a number of previous lawsuits, and been paid off, that shows a pattern. If I or my child had been injured before (as the mother claims), then I would have been that much more careful about who they associated with, ESPECIALLY who they spent the night with. The only males my son spends the night with are my brothers, period. I don't care who the person is, big star, philanthropist, whatever, my son is NOT going to spend the night with them. Especially if that male has had charges leveled against him in the past?? Give me a break, I truly believe this family (the mother at least) had something up their sleeve to begin with.

    Does that mean Michael is innocent? Not at all. If he touched that kid sexually, he should go to jail. If he gave him liquor, he should go to jail. I just hope we don't judge the man based on his monstrous apprearance and odd personality, but on the facts of the case.

    Happyout - who hates molesters, but also hates parents who pimp their children

  • heathen

    You got that right happyout . In todays world it's hard to say what to believe about anything .Bogus lawsuits are so common it's like catching the common cold . I would also be concerned about family members and leaving kids there because they say the #1 person to molest your kid is a relative in cases that have been to court .It's usually is someone you trust . I just saw a story about an amish girl being raped and molested by her brothers and she finally took legal action because the amish community continually demonized her instead of casting out the boys .

  • happyout


    You are totally right about family members, my brothers are the only males my son can spend the night with because I grew up with them, know them, and know how they treat and discipline their own children. None of my cousins could ever keep my son for an afternoon, much less overnight. Those people are nuts

    I wonder if the courts will ever take action against parents who leave their children in what can only be described as "intentionally dangerous" situations? Not like locking them up in a car trunk (which someone in So. Cal did this summer), but leaving them with people known to be abusive or addicts or something.


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