Jackson's and Boy's Prints Found on Porn Mags

by Elsewhere 46 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Mecurious?

    MJ Burn in hell and get your color back! only kidding to those who take offense to that!

    Yep, there are alot of coloreds on this board that might take offense at that!

    Hey happy where you been?


  • Nosferatu

    I'm just waiting for MJ to take his own life. I have this strange feeling that it's going to happen.

  • happyout

    Nos, I wouldn't be at all surprised if he ended it all, but only if he's found guilty.

    Hi, Mercurious, I have been away for a while, working hard and trying to keep my head above water. Plus, I was really sad when Teejay and StinkyPantz were gone, so I took a little vacation. I'm back, but still will only post sometimes, 'cause my son keeps me busy at night, and work keeps me busy during the day. Oh, yeah, and my husband fits in there somewhere (at least for the time being).



  • Brummie
    I just hope we don't judge the man based on his monstrous apprearance and odd personality, but on the facts of the case.

    Well said, that just about sums up the issue!


  • simplesally

    Heathen...... the only people who are instructed to view you as innocent until proven guilty is the JURY. The judge has to act with impartiality but is not instructed nor bound to view you as guilty. As stated, the police arrest those whom they think are guilty.....obviously they don't arrest peoplet hey think are innocent. The prosecution prosecutes people that they BELIEVE are guilty....they are not up there fighting for a presumption of innocence but fighting for conviction. The audience of the court, the media and you and me are free to view a person HOWEVER we choose...we as free thinkers can presume a person is anything we want. It is only the jury who must not presume guilt.

  • eyeslice

    Sally - exactly - but none here are the police, the defense, the prosecution or the jury.

    The story is in the public domain but that does not mean that any of us have the facts. I am merely saying that we risk being judgemental if we come to conclusions without the facts.

    you and me are free to view a person HOWEVER we choose...we as free thinkers can presume a person is anything we want

    There is the grave danger of bigotory and prejudice in the above words. Truely free thinkers are very careful with their words and opinions


  • teejay
    I would just like to say that just because they found the kids finger prints on a porn magazine does not mean guilt. I like to stay away from the lynch mob mentality. How many of you are parents? How many of you own pornography? ? heathen

    I don't know why, but this was the very first thought I had when I read this "report."

    Many, many moons ago, there was a time when teejay's little five- or six- or seven-year-old fingerprints could've been found on the stash of Playboys his daddy had hidden, and teejay can assure you that his daddy was not a child abuser in any form or fashion. Don't know and I'm not at liberty to say exactly how those fingerprints got there, but I can say with a reasonable amount of moral certainty that said fingerprints could have been found. *[i]gulp[/i]*

    Don't know how (or if) that confession correlates to this discussion. Just thought I'd throw it in.

    Okay, now let's go get that rope...

  • Valis

    teejay you get the rope and I'll find a tall building to throw him off. You know the thing is I wouldn't want my kids being with someone who was inconsiderate enough to have it available to children instead of having like t says, A PRIVATE STASH. Kids dig through their parents stuff all the time, but you can't tell me in a mansion with a gazillion rooms that leaving pron out for kids to find is in anyway acceptable or even a realistic scenario even as a matter of chance. Just my two cents.


    District Overbeer

  • shamus

    Yup. That kind of reasoning is horseshit.

    If I had my 12 year old friends over at my house to play, and I'm 45, and they get they're hands on my private stash of playboys or playgirls, whatever the case may be... well....


    I can judge what I see in that man 24/7. I don't have all the facts, but man oh man, I can certainly judge on what I see. A man in his 40's hanging with children and sleeping in the same bed together... BLEAH. What a sicko. And 'somehow' they got they're fingerprints on pornographic magazines... I think that Jacko should be castrated, or committed, or both.

  • teejay
    I don't have all the facts ? shamus

    Hmmm. Good point. No, you don't.

    That minor impediment (blind ignorance of the facts) hasn't kept men from being castrated (or hung) in the past, though. Don't see a need to change now in aught four, do you?

    As I say... the missing facts notwithstanding, let's go get that rope... or a dull butcher knife. I'll get the popcorn.

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