Sly Stone??-----Come to think of it, I remember these radio skits. I wonder why they stopped them. Probably too expensive.
Name Things That You Can Be Counseled For
by minimus 90 Replies latest jw friends
Probably too expensive
Probably! They paid a lot of money to talk about bad BO.
I got counselled when I ran away from home. When I told the elders that the abuse had escalated to the point that I believed my life to be in danger, they just told me that I'd be in trouble if I told anyone in the cong about it- because of the two-witness rule, officially it all never happened.
Counselled for being "independant", wearing nothing but black, accepting a ride home from my boss one night when I had to work late and missed the last bus, dating unbaptised or otherwise "unsuitable" young men, and piercing my nose. Strangely, I was not pulled into the back room for getting a tattoo, but the elders weren't thrilled.
I think I've probably told you this story before but I was in a congregation once where all the sisters were councelled for dribbling on the toilet seats by the circuit overseer, from the platform. His wife had complained to him about seeing wee on the toilet seat.
To help us incontinent sisters remember he told us a rhyme:
If by chance you need a widdle,
Make sure you don't leave a dribble!
Any way, at the time I was friends with a pioneer sister who just happened to go into the toilet after the CO's wife. Lo and behole what did she find. Yes, a dribble on the seat.
The pioneer told me about this offence the next day when we were on the service and we both laughed so much that we nearly wet our pants and ended up going home.
I was counselled for:
Having a 2 door vehicle
wearing bright ties
having too much rust on my car
being overweight
joining a gym to lose weight
being financially challenged
being materialistic (when I inheirited some money from my dead father)
going to school part time
working overtime
having a moustache
my haircut
wearing a t-shirt
owning a motorcycle
having an 'unsubmissive' wife
not commenting enough
having red eyes at the meeting because of my sleep disorder
biting my fingernails
Oddly enough, they didn't say anything at all when I told them I joined a political party.
Walter -
In the winter of 1979, I flew to New York to visit "worldly" family members, and my parents thought it would be a great idea for me to visit Bethel as well. At the time, my hair covered my ears, but just barely. I was told by the "brothers" at the factory that I "looked like a girl," because of my "long hair." At the time, I remember thinking that it would be preferable to look like a girl than be dressed in the plaid "flood pants" so prevalent at Bethel and other places where nerds/dorks gather.
So much for making visitors feel welcome!
For going to my class reunion...
One engaged couple got called back for a JUDICIAL meeting for sitting together during the seems brother selfimportant had " brought this matter to their attn" and they still sat together next meeting.. .
i got counseled for letting my 3 yr old son run around MY house in his underpants in 100 degree weather when i didnt have air conditioning.. told the brother he could 1. buy me an air conditioner or 2. call before he "dropped" by.
my mom got counseled for taking a chair into the lobby to breastfeed , and was told to do it in the bathroom..she told the brother if he'd eat a meal in the bathroom? (and stayed right where she was).. not to long after that they made a nursing room lol.
we had a BIG talk in the 80s counseling EVERYONE about chewing gum at the meetings.. it was a NO NO..
I was counseled for talking with someone who was never baptized but was deemed to bad association.
For long hair.
For starting to grow a beard.
For missing an assembly when we had 12 brand new baby puppies to take care.
For missing too many meetings.
For not going out in service enough.
For not doing enough personal study.
I am sure I am forgetting a few.
I know of a guy who got counseled for not operating the sound system correctly.
His friend was going to give a #2 talk (reading straight out of the bible) but that friend spoke in a very monotone voice when reading.
Before the talk they got together and decided that the guy who operated the sound system would manipulate the volume up and down during the reading to make it sound like the guy was using voice modulation.
Yup, they got busted and after the meeting the sound guy was taken off his sound-duty for awhile.