Reading a fortune cookie in a Chinese restaurant.....2 df'd persons used to sit together at the meeting and occasionally whisper something to one another. They got counseled for sitting together and for talking to a disfellowshipped person!!!
Name Things That You Can Be Counseled For
by minimus 90 Replies latest jw friends
Imagin someone having to ask this question or for the answer not to be obvious?
w59 7/15 p. 448 Questions from Readers ***If
an individual is disfellowshiped, but continues in quiet attendance at the Kingdom Hall, is it proper for that one?s marriage mate to sit with such a one during the meetings??J. F., Switzerland.With a view to helping sincerely repentant ones to get back into proper relationship with Jehovah God and his organization, it has been the policy of the Society to permit disfellowshiped persons to be present at all meetings at the Kingdom Hall that are open to the general public. For married persons Jesus set out the proper viewpoint when he said: "Did you not read that he who created them at the beginning made them male and female and said: ?For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and will stick to his wife, and the two will be one flesh?? So that they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has yoked together let no man put apart." (Matt. 19:4-6) This rule would seem to apply at the Kingdom Hall as well as elsewhere. In view of this it would seem to be improper to force a separation between a man and his wife even if one or the other is disfellowshiped. This is not having fellowship spiritually on the part of the faithful one with the disfellowshiped partner. However, it would be wrong for the individual who is in good standing to try to force the company of the disfellowshiped mate upon the other brothers and sisters in the congregation in the endeavor to have them recognize the disfellowshiped one and have communion with that one.
Minimus: I love watching women dance too!!!! I got counceled for that too once me thinks! Just kidding!redhot!
In view of this it would seem to be improper to force a separation between a man and his wife even if one or the other is disfellowshiped.
Wow! Does their generosity know no bounds??!!!
Room 215
Blondie, Mary: the example you cite is really troubling; it shows how exposure to WT mindthink erodes to nil a dub's ability to reason independently and reduces him/her to a hopeless state of infantile dependence.
Wearing a denim-like (denim patterned but actually not denim) skirt at the Kingdom Hall - I was four or five and my mum wasn't even baptised yet.
Putting my coat on the back of my chair in the Kingdom Hall instead of in the tiny cloakroom that was already full (plus I had my walkman in my pocket (long wait at bus-stop and then long bus-ride to hall) and I was worried someone's Bible-study might have been light-fingered...). I was about 13 and the elder yelled at me as if my mum wasn't there sitting right next to me!
Being in the brass band at school - because I should be doing personal study, not practising.
Watching Eastenders.
Wanting to go to university one day. -
Yet counsel will be rendered to a parent that talks to their df'd child IF they are living OUTSIDE the home. Same child living INSIDE the home---no counsel!
Now I know what they asked the previous question about sitting with a DF'd mate at the meeting:
w53 4/1 p. 223 Questions from Readers ***In
this section of the November 15, 1952, Watchtower it was stated: "The faithful marriage partner would not discuss religion with the apostate or disfellowshiped and would not accompany that one to his (or her) place of religious association and participate in the meetings with that one." Does this mean that if the man of the house is disfellowshiped, but attends the meetings at the Kingdom Hall, the faithful members of the family may not ride with him in the family car when he drives there??O. G., Kansas.No, that is not the point The Watchtower was making. It said faithful members of the family "would not accompany that one to his (or her) place of religious association and participate in the meetings with that one". Since the disfellowshiped one is no longer a participant in the meetings at the Kingdom Hall, and since it is no longer his rightful place of religious association, he having been disconnected from that association by disfellowshiping, and in attendance at Kingdom Hall now, not by invitation or welcome but by his unwanted intrusion, The Watchtower was not referring to his coming to Kingdom Hall meetings when it spoke of not accompanying him to his place of religious association. It meant that the faithful one would not accompany the disfellowshiped one to another religious group with which the disfellowshiped one might associate and in whose meetings he might participate. It is all right for the faithful members of the family to ride with the disfellowshiped one in a car bound for the Kingdom Hall, but upon arrival the faithful ones should not sit with or associate with the disfellowshiped one at the hall, but rejoin him only when departing for home.
I was once counseled for wearing a knee length skirt to the Sunday meeting. I told the brothers that my wife had picked it out for me so if they had a problem to take it up with her.