I had a follow up phone call from the Mormons today wanting to arrange for house visit No. 2. The first visit had been a game where I asked questions and they wriggled about a bit so as not to address them -- it brought back dub memories, I'm telling you.
It went like this…
Who will survive the world's judgement day?
Only Mormons and exceptional individuals.
How about me? I'm exceptional. [Modest grin]
Only God can judge you. We can't say.
[Does that last reply bring back memories, or what?]
Will God judge you and Mormons then?
Yes, he will judge all mankind and separate them...
But if he's gotta judge everyone, why become a Mormon?
Because he says so in Nephi 666:66
That was pretty much the end of the visit.
So the 'Elder' suggests a time for my second visit. I say, "thanks for thinking about me, but I'm fully booked until after judgement day. [tolerant chuckles coming down the line] I've decided to have a crack at being an 'exceptional individual'."
Afterwards, I realised I still had his book of Mormon, and I don't know his number. Oh well, at least he can count the placement!
"It is an absurdity to believe that the Deity has human passions, and one of the lowest of human passions, a restless appetite for applause." [David Hume]