Truthseeker...thanks for that bit of assembly I guess I won't have to attend
Thanks elsewhere for posting the article...I remember all too well that 2002 KM about not socializing with your relatives. There was a family in my congo who took it to the extreme and would not allow their Dfd son who lived at home to eat at the table with them or watch television with the family--he had to stay in his room! I was also sad about my nephews who were Dfd (away from home) and missing their mom, but because their step-Dad had the "position" of minesterial servant he had to be an example to the congo and could lose him privleges if they communicated too much with my sister's boys, so neither does she. I was mentally on my way out of the Org at that point in time and sitting through articles like this was pure torture. Just reading through that assembly program was enough to send me into a funk.
Thanks Mary for counteracting that one--I love your summaries...