I'm curious; outside of cases like this, where there is conclusive proof, do you feel the death penalty is appropriate?
I agree that premeditated murder is bad. And that is what happens if someone who is innocent is executed. That will always be a danger in cases without absolute proof.
I agree that emotionally driven manslaughter is less bad than pre-meditated murder. However, I think to assume that people cannot have an underlying mental or medical problem that causes an emotionally driven manslaughter, is to assume too much.
If someone does kills due to a mental or medical problem, to argue they are evil is to go back to the Stone Age, where diseases were believed to be caused by evil spirits.
If someone kills because they are ill, we cannot justify killing them because they are evil; they are ill.
Of course we can decide that our society will cull people who are ill and kill as a result of that, on grounds of safety.
But if we do that. let us say that is why we do it. Don't pretend it is all about killing evil people.
Most things I have read written by those involved with the criminally insane are happy to say they have met people who were just evil; the professionals reverting to layman's terms as they struggle to describe the difference between someone who is ill and someone who is so malign they transcend any description or medical justification.
But those are a minority.
And then we have economically motivated murder. That is bad. But I think if we paid more attention to reducing the inequality that drives some groups to be more murderous than others, we would stop far more deaths than making an example of a few each year.
And we should also view those in power as equally responsible for deaths caused by them in seeking profit as accountable as a drive-by shooter who kills a little girl at the same time as killing a rival dealer.
Seriously, if you could show the death penalty was certain to produce low murder rates, I'd be more open to the pragmatic aspect of killing killers. But it doesn't.
I believe it is easier for a society to 'fry' a disproportionate number of black people each year so people can feel society is doing something, than it is to address the issues that bring a disproportionate number of young black people into situations where they might end up facing a murder rap.
If they are doing what they do as a result of environment and opportunity, how can we claim they are evil?
"Bad people! Kill!" works less well than "Why people bad? Fix!".
Humans are no different from dogs. Two pups from the same litter can be raised different, one end up dangerous, the other a perfect pet.
Dogs are not sentient (as we are). But, just as we ALL needed tools to pull us out of Dubdom, so too do people need tools to pull themselves out of social disadvantage.
A Dubbie who is not equipped or does not develop the tools to extract themselves from a cult is not a worse person than those who get out. They can sometimes be helped.
A person from a disadvantaged community who is not equipped or does not develop the tools to extract themselves from it, is not a worse person than those who get out. They can sometimes be helped.
To reduce it to good and evil massively over-simplifies the issue in all but a minority of cases