A general anaesthetic is given for lethal injection. Just a large dose, so theyre asleep before they're dead.
It's cases like this that make me support the death penalty...
by Elsewhere 149 Replies latest jw friends
Some info here: http://www.richard.clark32.btinternet.co.uk/injection.html
So you are saying that nature is a Nazi?
look, what you are talking about also implies, that if a child is born disabled we'd better complete natures job and "fry" it. just to save money. if those are your facts, then i'd very very much appreciate (and i bet others would too) if you'd readjust your thinking.
Do you always get so hysterical when people disagree with you?
i'm not hysterical. i just can't believe that people in developed countries still hang on to these long gone ideologies.
Excuse me but, if she wasn't evil, she would not have done that evil thing.
nonsense. i start to doubt you actually know what "mentally ill" is. it's not just to suddenly go crazy.
It is people like you who did nothing at all when Hitler came to power.
you are probably right, because it's hard to imagine what kind of education i would have had back then. maybe i would also have been a victim of the natural selection propaganda.
No mercy should be shown towards her.
then you are on the same moral level she is and society should be protected from you.
Don't tell me that the death penalty doesn't prevent murder.
we already talked about that, and you perfectly know this is NOT true.
Then you turn around and imply that I am evil by calling me a nazi.
you have not lost your JW ability to twist things big time. first, i never called you a nazi. secondly, i have never said nazis would be evil. again, evil is no attribute for beings.
That I should be silenced.
no, you should readjust your obsolete thinking.
Funny that you would not stifle a murderer but would stifle my right to believe what I believe.
you know, i personally think, nazi worldviews are ideologies that should be battled. i guess i can't change your mind though, i can just hope, the next generation will. if we'd let everyone express things like that without talking up against it, a fourth reich would be up and running faster than you could imagine. -
Wouldn't you agree that the evidence is beyond a reasonable doubt?
Slow down; I already said "outside of cases like this, where there is conclusive proof" above.
IMO, it takes an evil person to do something like this.
Mmmm... but neither of us is trained medically; I don't know if she is medically ill. Neither do you. What she did was evil, but is she evil or suffering from a mental condition?
It doesn't matter if Montgomery is ill or not. She knows that what she did is wrong.
You mean you assume as a layperson that it is not possible for a medical condition to change the level of responsibility of a person.
Do you think people should be killed if they committed a crime due to an illness? Leave evil out. Say I have a brain tumor. I go on a killing rampage because of the tumor. Is my illness a reason to kill me? Assume I can either be cured or held in a secure institution at no risk to others.
She is a menace to society. Execute her "on grounds of safety".
Now that is a logical argument - and I am not being sarcastic. As I stated above, if people will say they approve of the dp because it terminates the threat certain people present to society, that makes sense (even if it doesn't guarantee a low murder rate).
As I said above, medical professionals seem to (at least privately or unguardedly) happily accept some mental patients are definable as 'evil' rather than 'ill'. But most 'evil acts' are done by people because of internal and external factors lead them to take a life.
Most evil is done by people just like you and me who have a worse environment in their heads (sometimes because of the environment outside their heads). If we "popped out" of their mum, chances are we would be doing it to.
If accident of birth is so important, then (apart from a minority of cases) either 'evil' is hereditry, or targetting social issues is a more effective way of reducing evil than killing the ones we catch.
This bitch isn't representative of many of the issues I talk about regarding accident of birth. The jury is out on whether she is mentally ill or not.
Most evil is done by people just like you and me who have a worse environment in their heads (sometimes because of the environment outside their heads). If we "popped out" of their mum, chances are we would be doing it to
I don't know who you are hanging out with but me and my friends are not out committing evil or murdering people. We volunteer our time to try to make the earth a better place to live. You are speaking for yourself in that remark.
You are not going to sway me that a person who would commit premeditated murder is a good person who has committed a bad deed. A good person would not murder somebody.
Well, it's nice yapping with you but it's back to work today. Also, my business is up and running so I probably won't be hanging out much after Friday. Have a happy new year.
You are either very young or an imbecile. I prefer to excuse your stupidity as foolish youth. My jaws hurt from laughing at you.
robyn, laugh at me, no problem, but if you really think the things i said are funny, you are in need of serious help. i suggest talking to a professional psychologist. they are better in explaining that there's no such thing like "good vs. bad", and they have more patience and experience with people who are not able to start thinking balanced after leaving a cult.
The death penalty is a residue of irrationality left over from superstitious vengeful relgious thinking. If you believe in the Death Penalty you might as well go back to being a Jehovah's Witness.
It assumes that humans have a complete understanding of other human beings. Just a few countries in the world carry out the death penalty. The United States is in good company - Saudi Arabia and China.
The woman should be locked up so she can't do that again.
I don't know who you are hanging out with but me and my friends are not out committing evil or murdering people. We volunteer our time to try to make the earth a better place to live. You are speaking for yourself in that remark.
I treat you with respect and you make jokes about my friends?
In your group of friends there should be, on average, just as many people who kill, steal, or sexually abuse as in any socially comparable group of the same size. The same will be true with my friends.
I think one thing our individual groups of friends will have in common is that killing, stealing, and sexual abuse would be carried out covertly, or at least that this would be attempted.
So, if you think you have a special ability to tell whether someone is concealing something, I guess you will never be one of those people who gets interviewed on a news program saying "Barney was such a nice guy, a pillar of the community; to know all these years he was my friend he was _ _ _".
But I'm sure some of the people we hear say stuff like that thought they had no friends who could EVER do anything like that.
You are not going to sway me that a person who would commit premeditated murder is a good person who has committed a bad deed. A good person would not murder somebody.
Your argument makes sense if you ignore mental illness. If you don't ignore mental illness, absolutist thinking like "A good person would not murder somebody" makes no sense.
Nice to hear you support initiatives to target disadvantaged communities with high crime rates so as to reduce the level of disadvantage, increase opportunity, and thus reduce ALL sorts of crime, actually leading to LESS people dying.
Happy New Year to you too! (seriously, not sarcastically)
they are better in explaining that there's no such thing like "good vs. bad"
Or rather that definitions of 'good' and 'bad' are so variable as to make a distinction based upon presenting them as two polar and exclusive opposites utterly meaningless other than to the person making it, and to anyone who agrees with the definitions implicit in the statement.
Of course, I'm just a godless person (or, rather, I am not a godded person, just a person), so how could I have any idea about 'good' and 'bad'? Funny then that I think judicial executions are 'bad' (but not those that support them).
Any of you pro-death-penalty people going to explain how Saudi Arabia and China are good examples as far as the death penalty goes?
Why is there nothing surprising or incongruous about sharing a major defining characteristic with a feudal state with religious law and a totalitarian, undemocratic society?
Are they just really smart when it comes to killing people, even though their human rights records suck to high heaven in every other way?
I'd love to hear a really good explanation.
I won't hold my breath though.
As is normal, when faced with a choice between coming up with a pseudo-reason why the death penalty is a necessary, and just stating that they feel more comfortable knowing killers will be killed, people come up with a pseudo-reason; it makes the murder rate low (no it doesn't)); it's okay to kill evil people (define evil, what about mental illness))... whatever...
Is it that people feel bad admitting that, when it comes down to it, their support of the death penalty is just because it makes them feel better?
Thunder Rider
Evil thrives because of bleeding hearts.
Bleeding evil hearts is justice.
Thunder ===}>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>