Got Busted By Wife?She Said She Want Tell.(update)

by Big Jim 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • TresHappy

    When I married almost 3 years ago, I thought for sure I was marrying a nonsmoker. I saw my grandfather die of lung cancer and my grandmother is still with us but suffering from emphysma due to her 40 years of lighting up, and I have very strong feelings about smoking. Well my husband smokes occasionally, especially after a hard day's work, which he says "destresses" him. He doesn't smoke inside the house, and only smokes on the patio. He was littering our backyard with cigarette butts until I bitched about it so much he finally picked them up and threw them away. Plus being in the WT all those years, I was terribly judgmental towards my hubby and his "habit." I don't complain anymore, however I don't go out on the back patio to talk to him when he's smoking, the wind just carries it my way.

    If he ever does smoke in the house, there will be a house on our block with no roof, because I will raise it if he does. - lol

  • logical


    I agree, but you dont have to be nasty about it. Smoking is really stupid, however its up to the individual what they choose to do.


    Your wife has sense. Keep the smoke away from kids, as its not fair that they should be forced to breathe poison in. Not that they arent breathing in poison already, with the amount of shit thats pumped into the air. No need to add to it though.

  • 68storm


    There are Witnesses that choose suicide on a daily basis, in hospitals around the globe and the brotherhood brag and applaud this insane thinking. People in glass houses....etc., etc.


  • Big Jim
    Big Jim

    I would not smoke in my home are around my kids even if she said I could because I really would not want to influence my kids are make them have to breath it in.
    As a matter of fact in my backyard I have a rear gate that opens up to the subdivisions park, and that is where I go If I am wanting to have a smoke.
    It is a bad habit and a nasty one at that so I do not advertise the fact that I smoke. I do not even smoke in my car or my wifes car.

    By the way my wife called me to tell me she was not going to report me not because she was unfaithfull to the Borg but because she no longer considers me a witness.

  • larc


    I know that because both of my parents were disfellowshipped in the early 1970's. This was after 30 years of an otherwise unblemished service record on my mother's part.

  • seedy3

    Yes Billy Goat,

    It is like one of the most serious DF'ing crimes for the JW's. My brother-in-law was DF'd for it. I remember that way back when my parents had to quit smoking because they would have been DF'd if they didn't when it was made a rule by the WTS.


  • Mulan

    All I can say is "GOOD GRIEF", people. I don't smoke, and don't like to be around it, but it isn't the end of the world. There are worse things to get upset about. We are free of rules, remember? Let it go, and leave him alone.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • BugEye

    Hey there BigJim and all you other smokers.

    First of all I would like to say a big thank you from the bottom of my heart. And I would like to encourage all of you to keep it up. No matter what anyone else says, feel free to continue that habit.

    You are in fact doing me and other non smokers a wonderful and selfless favour.

    You see, this world is becomming over populated and it is the selfless acts of those like you that commit yourselves to an early grave for the benefit of me and those like me that provide us with the hope for a long and wonderful future.

    Once again, you have my sincerest thanks


  • somebody

    Hey, Bugeye.

    Don't mention it.


    P.S. Who hopes that someday the world will be rid of selfless and selfish people like all of us people who are addicted to nicotiene. right?

  • BugEye


    (Who hopes that the world will remain full of wonderful and kind people such as Gwen)

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