Don't forget the theory of Chaos. What we at one time concidered chaotic,,now thruogh the use of computers and video graphics we fine tremedous order.
Even though we now percieve in even greater detail the orderliness of the universe I feel it is a mistake to conclude that a personality such as the bible god jehovah designed the universe. For if we use the orderliness of the universe as a kind of proof for the existance of a personal type of god ,, we are once again at a dead end because by that same type of logic we would have to conclude some personal type being made god and so it goes on and on for an infinity never reaching a original first cause.
The safest stand, or position to take is that of the agnostic. Atheist and theist seem to be taking a stand that neither one has proof to substanciate,, and are force to defend their position and not open to just looking at the fact but are trying to force the facts to support their world view.