The universe, designed to support life?

by Elsewhere 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • seattleniceguy

    Carmel said:

    we live on an improbable island (probably a few more like us) that conflicts with logic and reason for its appearance or continued existence.

    I don't know how you can really say that our island "conflicts with logic and reason for its appearance." Just because something is rare does not make it illogical. Gold nuggets are comparitively rare in the crust of the earth, but we don't find their existence to be contrary to reason.

    Let's imagine we have a hundred stars with planets in our pocket. Each of those stars has a different intensity, and each of the planets is a different distance from its star. Perhaps one of the planets will be the correct distance from its star to support liquid water, etc, etc. Perhaps not. But if we have a gazillion stars, now we should almost expect that at least some of the planets should be in the right configuration.

    Or how about this? Let's say I draw a small circle on a gymnasium floor. Then I go up into the bleachers and fire a cannon filled with dust particles into the air. The odds that any particular grain of dust will land in my circle are small. But we would not be surprised if we found that some had landed in it.

    We're like creatures who live on a chunk of gold in the ground. We think our nugget is so special that we can't even conceive that there might be other nuggets out there. But there might be. And the creatures living on that nugget probably think the same thing.


  • one


    being the fact that I was told that, other than the angels, humans were god's only intelligent creation, ever. I thought and thought and could not understand how anything could exist for an infinite past

    Not only that but both "iontelligent creation" did not pass very simple validation test, rather such "creation" have developed a big mess, the manufacturer of "intelligent" creatures need first to concentrate in quality control.


    Bottom line is, life has developed to suit the environment that it finds itself in. This has happened all over the planet where we find creatures shaped by their environment.

    Seem like humans have not been "shaped" by "enviroment" yet. It is hard for humans, in most places impossible, to survive anywhere in this globe without some man made help, such as heavy clothing, heat and shelter.


    Is/was Eden within the equatorial zone between Tropic of Capricorn and Tropic of Capricorn, i doubt it. Oh no, back to the flood theory.

  • seattleniceguy


    Seem like humans have not been "shaped" by "enviroment" yet. It is hard for humans, in most places impossible, to survive anywhere in this globe without some man made help, such as heavy clothing, heat and shelter.

    Actually, you can see good evidence of adaptation to environment in the things you mention. We probably started with much thicker skins and coats, but as we developed tools that allowed us to manipulate the world to make it easier to survive, the need for such things went away. Our environment became what we made it, rather than what the weather outside dictated.

    Remember that in this context, "environment" means the physical world in which an organism lives. For humans, our environment is the man-made world in which we live. The tool-less wilds are as much our environment as is the surface of the ocean, where we are equally ill-equipped to survive.


  • one

    that is a term that requires additional posting from you

    why design a coat and wearing it when there is no need for it in the first place? we had thick skin didn't we?

    why boil water to prevent getting sick?, what happened to the adaptative process,

    horses drink contaminated, dirty water just fine, no boiling for them yet ..

  • Simon
    Seem like humans have not been "shaped" by "enviroment" yet. It is hard for humans, in most places impossible, to survive anywhere in this globe without some man made help, such as heavy clothing, heat and shelter.

    Erm ... I think you have things a little mixed up. This level of 'civilisation' is an extremely recent event and the jury is still out on whether it is a good or bad evolutionary step long term.

    why design a coat and wearing it when there is no need for it in the first place? we had thick skin didn't we?

    why boil water to prevent getting sick?, what happened to the adaptative process,

    horses drink contaminated, dirty water just fine, no boiling for them yet ..

    We only do most of these things because we need to because of the pressure of dense populations. When we lived in small communities near streams & rivers we probably didn't boil water. That has only been discovered in recent years and in fact clean water is still a luxury than most on the planet do not enjoy.

    It reminds me of some mothers who think that they need to have expensive prams and cots and anti-sceptic wipes of else a new-born baby will die. How did mankind survive for all these years without Mothercare on the highstreet and disposable nappies !

  • frankiespeakin


    why design a coat and wearing it when there is no need for it in the first place? we had thick skin didn't we?

    The advantage of haveing thinner skin are better mobility, and that man can live in both hot and cold enviroments because he was a world traveler for thousands of years.

    why boil water to prevent getting sick?, what happened to the adaptative process,

    Thats why our speicies has survived they have learned new things and these things are not perfect but they are better according to our presently over active egoic mind. Not every move of evolution is perfect if it was I don't think it would have form,,if it was,, it would be a formless nothing. My guess anyway could be totally wrong.

    horses drink contaminated, dirty water just fine, no boiling for them yet ..

    Yeah but we ride them and they don't ride us so there.

  • ballistic

    Britons basically drink the equivalent of Perrier from the tap, so it's no supprise we get ill when drining tap water around the world, even in some parts of Europe. The water in some countries is for just flushing the toilet, with no exaggeration.

    Also to throw in the conversation, the African tribe that had not been discovered we killed accidently with the flu virus 2 months after discovering it.

  • one
    probably didn't boil water


    the magic word againg, "probably",

    boiling water and 'cooking' meat etc was started, most likely, (i wont say probably, i have not researched the issue) for safety or survival reasons.

    Simon again,

    How did mankind survive for all these years without Mothercare on the highstreet and disposable nappies !

    they survived with a low infant survival rate and most people dying no much longer after that, (age 40 max?)

    until pharmaceutical came to the rescue,

    no way humans could "develop", naturally adapt to so many health, life shortening dangers.


    try harder and stick to the topic


    Britons basically drink the equivalent of Perrier from the tap,

    why they (Britons) worry so much arriving to such state of affairs?, why going through so much work? water is natural why so much process and filtering, adapt yourself, it is "natural" to adapt.

  • one
    This level of 'civilisation' is an extremely recent event and the jury is still out on whether it is a good or bad evolutionary step long term.
    We only do most of these things because we need to because of the pressure of dense populations

    shelter, heat, boiling, wearing coats, do you think THAT is "extremely recent"?

    do you think THAT is the resul fo dense populations?

    if you say somenthing about .NET i wont even try to refute you. But in this topic i feel like talking even if i dont know what i am saying,

  • frankiespeakin



    I would like to say I like Almost"s puddle anology that life conforms to the universe. And when we talk of life we should not limit our veiw of life to just carbon based. We should include atoms, molecules. I, stars, planets, galaxies, the universe,,and the universe of universes and even the universe of the universes universe. couldn't that be life too??? I like to speculate.

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