All in all, is death really so bad?
I mean, even if you believe in God and the Bible, the Bible calls death "an enemy" doesn't it? (or is that just the NWT?)
And if you can say 'well maybe the 23,000+ people who have already died in the natural disaster in Asia and the many thousands more who will surely die due to horrible disease from unsanitary conditions are now in a better place'. well, what about the mothers, the fathers, the sons and daughters left behind? Why do they deserve to suffer this living hell?
Better that the 'loving' god had wiped them all out and let them all go on together to the wonderful afterlife, then. Wouldn't you say?
So to answer the original question. Yes, I have stopped believing in God because of suffering in the world.
Tell me what could possibly be the good of:
The deaths in this natural disaster:
AIDS Orphans
Chinese babies thrown out like trash or being left to starve in dying rooms in orphanages.
Rape of women worldwide. Men being kidnapped or murdered in many countries for no reason by bands of guerillas. Bride burning.
People flying airplanes into buildings and killing thousands in the name of God.
Take any one you want, I've got plenty more. Tell me what the short or long term good could be in any of these things. I just don't believe in fairy tales anymore.
No offense intended to anyone who does believe in God. Most of my friends do and of course all my family are JW's. I don't try to change their mind, I nod and listen when they share their faith with me. But for myself, I have found that in my life, the only thing that faith in God has brought me is pain and disappointment that frankly, I am just better off without.