Why does God let bad things happen?

by FMZ 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Pole

    I guess I wouldn't have problems with God if the Eden tree was the only evil in the world.

    Instead, he chose to be slightly more fancy in the assortment of evil we have to deal with in order to appreciate "the gift of free will". From choking to death on a fish bone to dying in a holy war. From failing to overcome a nasty infection with the otherwise wondrous immune system to having your skull crushed in the jaws of a tiger.

    God's universe has all sorts of evils you could dream of and they all help you appreciate the gift of free will.


    Evil will always succeed,when good men do nothing...OUTLAW

  • Elsewhere
    Evil will always succeed,when good men do nothing...OUTLAW

    People who conflict with my objectives will succeed if people with my same objectives to not destroy the people who are creating the conflict. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    I am honest to admit that I have no answers.....


    Interesting point of view,good one...OUTLAW

  • darkuncle29

    I think it is because keeping stars in their courses and avoiding collisions-which could ause disastrous supernovas-is more important than stoping a single planet's tectonic plates from rubbing and colliding (sounds kinda sexy, no?) If he really wanted to, he could warn people and they could respond, but what if they don't want to listen, going about their holiday business is "too" important perhaps,

    Oh wait.... (silence)

  • logansrun

    Armchair hypothesizing. Jaw-droppingly wishful thinking. Zero empiricism.

    Sorry folks, the more and more I think of it the more and more I come to the conclusion that there is no God. Period. No "non-local" God of process, no "Universal Mind", no Cosmic Force, no The All. (ever notice how people feel the Need To Capitalize concepts like this, almost to make them appear "real" if you ask me.

    Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence. God, life after death, the supernatural...those are pretty extraordinary claims. I haven't seen much evidence, let alone of the "extraordinary" variety.


  • glitter

    He didn't make the tectonic plates, he didn't make magma... it all just happened. And why did he allow it to happen? Because in the long run, it really can't hurt us. "Fear not those who kill the body".

    There is no "long run".

    No-one who believes God created the Earth as in the Bible has explained the "shoddy workmanship" thing, I'm still really interested in a believer's reasoning.

  • Wild_Thing

    This topic reminds me of another instance that I frequently see/hear people discuss. It is along these same lines. I hope I don't offend.

    Whenever someone is sick or has a tragedy, people will get on the bandwagon to pray for them. "Pray for them ... they need all the prayers they can get, etc." as if more prayers will persuade God to save them. Then, if the person gets better ... "God answered our prayers!"

    My problem with this is what makes them so darn special that God answered their prayer, and didn't answer the other prayers and "allowed" little Susie Bobo to die on the next street? (By the way ... there is really no Susie Bobo.)

  • roybatty
    Can a creationist explain to me how they reconcile a belief in a perfect God with his creation of a flawed planet? The standard answer for disease and death is Adam and Eve's sin and free will - fair enough, I suppose in the context of the Bible, but the earth was formed before Adam and Eve even existed... why do earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and extreme weather events occur? Tectonic plates, magma and air pressure/temperature don't have free will and can't sin.

    This is one of the best question I've ever read on this board....and...I got a chance to use it today with my JW mom. WOW! She comes to the family business once a week and I knew she was going to ask if I heard about the earthquake. I said "yes" and nothing else. She had this surprised look on her face. I knew exactly what she was thinking "C'mon, you're only going to say 'yes'? LOL! Then she asked "Ok, tell me what you're REALLY thinking?" So I asked your question. She stood there..completely silent....and said....."I....don't.....know." WOW! First time that's EVER happened!

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