if we can call the stuff which has always been [assuming something cannot arise from nothing], GOD, then we can see that 1. GOD did not create GOD, GOD did not create the nature or will of GOD....
that reality or GOD is conscious, can there be any doubt? each person is a self answering testimony to the fact that at least some part of reailty is conscious....
while there seems no escape to the conclusion that one past has lead to this very present and the prospect of more than one future is likely nill.... each of us seems to have some part on how the unfolding reality actually occurs. our desires and hopes and plans do not violate the single unfolding but are part of it.... while some call this freewill, I see that is as a poor labelling of what is going on. it is clear that our ability to feel pain and pleasure causes us to care about which way things happen and that caring in turn alters how we gamble with each move presented to us...but that does not mean anything truly free is going on in the sense of more than one actual outcome manifesting from our collective actions... we are as free as it matters to us, but certainly, as in the case of GOD above, we did not make our nature nor our structure which carries out our desires dreams and plans. We do not so much chose things out of our enviorment based on our willed desires, but on our discovered desires. no one choses to like chocolate over vanilla, they discover it.... no one choses how strongly cocaine attracts them, they discover it.... when given a set of options, we gamble upon which ever option most strongly excites our system which is a discovery, or we let a randomizer work, such as flipping a coin.... which removes our will from the equation altogether.
in a simple question: if your actions have causes, where is the freedom? when uncaused and random, where is the will?
without the myth of freewill there is no good nor evil which arises by comparison of what people do to some arbitrary ideal fantasy of what someone assumes they could have done otherwise... same is true for any god[s].
if an all knowing god exists, then his damnation of some acts by comparison to what he knows is a lie [a false alternative to what he actually knows], then this god is insane.