Thanks for pointing out how we as American think. I don't know what I would do with out you.
As far as who the people running this government choose to bomb is a little out of my control.
But in regards to counties who try and tell other countries what to think and how to live in the past and present may I just say the following about the British.
Ireland, Australia, Canada, South Africa, India, Hong Kong, France, Egypt, Salomon Islands, Eagle Islands, Egmont Islands, Falkland Islands (nice little are here), Virgin Islands, Channel Islands, Anguilla, Ascension Islands, Bermuda, British Indian Ocean Territory, Cayman Islands, Gibraltar, Montserrat, Pitcairn Islands, Saint Helena Island, Turks Island, Caicos Island and on and on and on.
Live and let live man, you made your point. We Americans are arrogant greedy people with desires for world domination. Now all we have to do is kick the British out of TWO FIFTHS of the worlds countries and
we'll be able to accomplish that. We kicked your ass once we can do it again! Isn't that what life is all about, who can kick who's ass?
Now you have me in the spirit of things. Fuck what I said earlier, lets rip everyone a new asshole so we can feel superior. It's the British and American way! Before you know it, every one on this board will hate each other and the whole board will close down. Won't that put a smile on the faces of the few JW's that pop in here. Maybe they are right. We don't have the ability to do our own thinking.
Your a real trip Englishman, God save the Queen!