Was God in this disaster?

by bikerchic 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • heathen

    JR Dobbs -- You forgot to mention all the women and children that the US has killed in Iraq from using the depleted uranium weapons that poluted the water supply . These things happen and the guy that wrote the article came to the conclusion that it was niether good nor evil at work but just simply a scientific fact that they are living in an area that has a fault line running through it . In fact from what I've seen the situation could have been far worse and probly will get worse as time goes by . You do sound like a JW tho and are in violation of the ban on the web to visit this site . Maybe God will get angry with you for disobeying a publishing corporation

    Really from what I've heard the people in indonesia are demanding the US send relief money and that the US let them use the technology to detect earth quakes in the future . I don't know how that could really help anyway and I don't think these nations are entitled to anything from the US so as to demand it .

  • undercover
    No one even dares think that these people chose to live in the area of the world that they did. An area ALREADY known for this type of seismic activity. For instance, many people move to Florida every day. Florida is known for catastropic winds that destroy dwellings and other structures. Yet people still arrogantly move here for the beaches, sun, and various other attractions. It does not mean that it is a safe area. Jehovah God tried to direct his people to the Promised Land. Not many hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, mudslides, tornadoes, or volcanoes erupt in that area.

    Most people in the world do NOT choose the area of the world where they live. They were born there and they live there. According to your logic people who were born in areas that are prone to natural disasters are to be blamed when they suffer or die due to a natural disaster.
    Maybe you were born into a rich family and can live where ever you choose, but most people can't just up and move to a "safer" area. What do you propose? That all 6 billion of earth's inhabitants move to the "promised land"?

    Anybody remember when the evil American empire murdered more than half a million people with two radioactive nuclear weapons of mass destruction? Hiroshima and Nagasaki come to mind. There is absolutely no excuse for that kind of death that was both unwarranted and undeserved. And if anyone tries to say that it was a return for the bombing of Pearl Harbor and say that it was justified is sick. Pearl Harbor was just a military base too close to Japan... That is why Japan felt threatened and bombed it.. What does the evil American empire do in return? Murder civilians in citys with atomic weapons... Sick.... really sick..

    That statement is so stupid I'm not sure that I want to lower myself to this level, but here goes: Man does bring some of his own troubles against himself, but what the hell does Pearl Harbor and Hiroshima have to do with anything? This was a natural disaster that had nothing to do with war, the economy, environmental issues or even God.

    And, we should be rejoicing if we really believe in God Almighty since all of these dead are hopefully in his memory. If they were to grow up to be evil, they are spared from the destruction they would receive later anyway... Wake up people...

    I thought the last statement was stupid but this one is just astounding. I can't believe that someone actually has the gall to even say this.
    "Let's all rejoice everybody....120,000 people just died."
    You mean you enjoyed watching the news and seeing the catastrophe unfold? You think it's good news that this happened? You think that thousands of orphans and widows and widowers are a good thing? You think that the dead are better off because they might "grow up to be evil"?
    You are one sick bastard.

  • Brummie

    *after enjoying pats on the head*

    Heathen you have spyware on you're PC.

    As for JRdobbs, he is just winding you up, probably had a tsunami in his brain.


  • Daunt

    This incident has caused me to feel a bunch of different feelings. A lot I've never really felt. I hate being the minority in this and not believing in God, but it's still a terrible disaster none the less. I hope people do not automatically forget this and shove it off as old news.

  • heathen
    Thanks for the tip brummie and how did you know there is spyware on my computer ? I do keep getting messages about that but supposedly have anti spy ware active software . The hackers seem to stay a step ahead of me . Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh . I did have all sorts of pc problems lately and my security warns me that there have been over 600 intrusions . These people are relentless whoever they are .
  • Brummie

    heathen, while I would like to pretend I know because I'm intellectual and can hack all PCs, I cant, so truth is, all across your post is a shadow that says "Posters PC possibly has spyware"

    I use Adware to remove them. Do a search for "Adware" Yes they are a pain in the butt.

    All the best


  • undercover

    I hope somebody would be kind enough to let me know if my posts show up with that same shadow note. Apparently the poster doesn't see that shadow?

  • ballistic

    Undercover - your posts show the words "Poster has possibly been surfing for porn"

  • Tigerman

    Undercover . . .it doesn't show on your posts. And BTW great answer to Dobbs ranting.

  • vitty

    Weve been trying all day to get rid of viruses that stalled our comp today. we susspect spy ware if anyone saw it on my posts please let me know

    We shouldnt be surprised at Dobbs post its typical of some not all of the dubbs thinking Braindead and lacking in emotional feeling is manitory, or your viewed as odd.

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