This woman, Clarise, who lives in Hayward, California is a strong beliver of Jehovahs Witness. Because she needs to go door to door to spread words of your religion, she only works 3 days a week. That is fine. But she CONSTANTLY flirted with my husband and not only that she KEPT calling and sending him email in his private time. They are also inappropriate materials as well. My husband had told her that he does not feel comfortable her sending email and calling about private issues, but she would continue to do so. She knows my husband is married and we have children together. Is it your religion that it's okay to have an affair? She supposed to be a very religious and even visited the New York or wherever your main office is. I am very upset and cannot believe that your religion allowed her to do this.
Having an affair acceptable in your religion?
by antimarriagewrecker 30 Replies latest jw experiences
lmao... she's being a veeeery naughty girl!
If you want her to stop, call the elders at her local Kingdom Hall and rat her out.
carefully faded
You'll notice, if you keep reading, that most of us here are no longer Jehovah's Witnesses.
However, I can tell you that extramarital affairs are not supported in the religion. If this woman's conduct was known by others in the religion, they "should" talk with her and convince her to talk with the elders in her congregation to get some help.
- CF
Even the JW's don't condone affairs.(at least not yet anyway) lol
But my father in law had a similar sitch. He had these deep verbal "relationships" with all kinds of women in the congo all of course in the name of "helping" these poor weak women (BS). When in reality he was "cheating" on his wife and family in a wierd kind of way. This was before the 'net. He had one sister that was way too "close" to him and acted similarly.
Remember- an affair isn't defined by sexual activity, but by an unauthorized relationship that excludes those that shouldn't be. When information about their relationship becomes secret to you (you're "out" and she's "in") it's AN AFFAIR!
I've recommended on other threads a book that tackles this subject perfectly called "NOT JUST FRIENDS" by Shirley Glass Phd. I suggest you read it ASAP. Let me know how it goes. If you read my threads and comments you'll find this is a subject dear to my heart, and I've been where you are now.
Good luck
I would call the KH closest to her house. They are usually listed under Churches in the yellow pages or in the white pages under Kingdom Hall or Jehovah's Witnesses. Have some definite facts and perhaps others who have observed it. But we warned that non-Jehovah's Witnesses are not viewed as truthtellers.
Love, Blondie
I'd print off his emails (to take to the Kingdom Hall, if that's what you plan to do) - oh, and also check his mobile phone for text messages.
I don't know if this'll help, but I'm sure they'll be able to locate and pass on the details to the correct congregation if it's not the right one:
Kingdom Hall, Hwy B, Hayward : 634-3024Wrecking marriages is out of order!
It doesn't sounds like she's going to last long there.I find it amusing that you had to come to an ex-JW website to find that out.
I liked the idea of priting out the emails and bringing them to the KH
Or if you have her email, post it here and we will spam her...
AK - Jeff
I find it amusing that you had to come to an ex-JW website to find that out.
Good one, Ross. If this was a 'official witness site', we would all be telling her to keep it quiet and make sure that nothing dishonors Jehovah's name, or accuse her of lying! ... LOL
Does this woman come into contact with your husband at the work place? Your information is not clear on this point. If she does could you contact the employeer and warn them about their liability of Sexual Harassment? Be careful with this, so it does not backfire. As mentioned earlier, document everything! I would not put too much hope in her loser religion helping you...the walking dead...out too much.