How are you coping? Do you use a CPAP machine or did you get surgery to correct your difficulties? Do you dread having to go to sleep, with the possibility that you may never awaken?
Anybody With Sleep Apnea?
by prophecor 48 Replies latest jw friends
Low-Key Lysmith
No, but that sounds really serious. My girlfriend wakes up sometimes gasping for air. It scares the shit out of both of us. Is it correctable with surgery? I always thought it was a psychological thing. If surgery can help her, I would like to know more.
My sister has this problem. She's seen a doctor about it but it's not serious enough to do surgery or even to give her machine. Sometimes it's a problem for her but other times it's not-it's a night by night basis. Low-Key, it's not psychological, it's completely physical.
If she snores very heavy during her sleep, its usually the results of soft tissue in the throat, the uvula, adnoids or other plumbing which can cause snoring, to the degree that your oxygen at times is suspended or goes into lock up, due to the soft tissues in the throat collapsing upon themselves. In an attempt for the lungs to get air, the body will force itself into a snort or a gasp in order to force the respiratory system to become operative again. Unfortunately this happens during sleep and your not aware what's going on until you're forced into an awakened state. You're panting and gasping for air because during your sleep, your lungs were on lock up, causing a dramatic heart rate as well when you awaken. I can be very frightening to the point that you believe you are dying upon awakening.
Doctors can determine as to whether or not she has this difficulty by sending her to a sleep lab, where they monitor you overnight with video, audio, ekg, eeg, oxygen levels in the blood are red with an LED type meter, recording how much oxygen is reaching the bloodstream.
They then will awaken you while your're going thru cycles of not being able to breathe, afterwards hooking you up to what's called a CPAP machine. Constant Positive Airway Pressure is what CPAP stands for. A machine that has a mask that fits over your face, blows a predetermined set ammount of air in order to assist in keeping the passageways in your throat open, reducing the risk of have those soft tissues in the throat from collapsing on themselves.
I've got it. I awaken gasping for air a lot. It scares the hell outta me. I'm only aware of this happening a few times a night, but my doctor says that it probably happens a lot more than that. He's been urging me to go to the sleep disorder clinic at the hospital, but I can't really afford it so not sure what I'm gonna do yet.
My hubby has sleep apnea and has the CPAP machine.
He looks and sounds like Darth Vader when he puts it on.
running for cover now, before he sees this
Moridin, if your seeing a doctor as it is are you paying out of pocket? If you have coverage it may be covered. Though when I was working and had just got my health insurance, I would've had to wait a full year before they would would even consider covering a pre-existing condition. I truly feel for anyone suffering from this malady.
Lately I have been wondering if i have this... what are they symptoms?