Anybody With Sleep Apnea?

by prophecor 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • iiz2cool

    I have sleep apnea. I tried the laser surgery first. Painful as hell, and the apnea came back a short time later. I've been using a CPAP for 4 years now and wouldn't be without it.

    If I had to choose between a woman and my snorkel, the snorkel wins every time.


  • Honesty

    I have sleep apnea due to psychological problems (cognitive dissonance) which caused me to drown my depression in eating binges. Almost back to normal weight since I left the Borg and hope to be off the CPAP in a year or two. The Borg was right on when they said spiritual disease can cause mental and physical disease.

  • prophecor

    Maybe you could recieve assistance from a County Assistance program, or a division of your Department of Public Health as it is a life threatening illness, maybe there some help that can be gathered in those areas. I have no health insurance at all at this time. I can relate to what you're going thru. Waiting for state funded Health Insurance that's awaiting more funding thru government resources, which can be a waiting game.

    If It weren't for the kindness of worldly people, one who is my neighbor in converse, we found out we had the same dibilitating condition, I needed a replacement mask desperately, the kindness of strangers and the beauty that is in the world, she got me one thru her health coverage provider, for which she had to pay nothing. Just a little side note when realizing that worldly people are no good, thats just not the case, I count her as a blessing and a proof of the positive karma, that still is such a huge part of the outside world.

  • xjw_b12
    If I had to choose between a woman and my snorkel, the snorkel wins every time.

    Walter. Maybe we could find "attachments" for our snorkels

  • orangefatcat

    I have never heard of anyone having psyhcological sleep apnea. The most important thing is that your getting better.

    Welome Honesty

    Love Orangefatcat

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    I have sleep apnea. I spent one night at a sleep institute for the study. The study requires several monitors so I wondered how I would possibly get to sleep wearing a wiring harness. I did sleep though and my sleep was being interupted by apnea up to 70 times an hour and my blood oxygen dropped to about 60%. Normal blood oxygen is 95-100%. The doctor gave me the option of surgery which he said was successful about 60-70% of the time with the bonus of having the feeling of swallowed razor blades for about a month or I could use a CPAP which was sucessful about 95% of the time with no painful recovery. I went with the CPAP. Getting used to wearing the mask took a while but now I miss it if I have to spend a night without it. Everyone else around someone with apnea sleeps better also after treatment. Before I wore the mask I rarely had dreams. Now I dream vividly almost every night because I am able to get to that deep stage 3 sleep where dreams occur. The CPAP has become my most valuable possesion. I would give up my Harley before I would give up the CPAP. If you think you have apnea get it checked out and treated.

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    Ok, I have it too, got the cpap machine...Luke...I am your father!!! Hey Frozen One, where did you have your study? Mine was at Allina in Minneapolis. Yeha they wire you up with a bunch of electrodes running here there and everywhere, they they put a camera on you, then expect you to fall asleep!!! No Apologies

  • ScoobySnax

    Thanks so much for bringing this condition up. Sleep Apnoea is an awful thing to have, waking up with that "start" like you do, really does feel as if you have just come back from dying. Sometimes my chest even hurts where I feel I have stopped breathing for so long before my body jolts and I wake. It is scary.

    I truly emapthise with anyone who gets this, I still feel Anxiety plays a big part in it.


  • LDH

    Well I don't have it, but there is a famous NFL athlete who has it! No wait, he died two weeks ago of a sleep apnea episode.

    This is a serious condition and should be treated as such.

  • prophecor

    Nothing will make you more of a believer in God than this disease. I've awakened on several occasions during the night crying out in a loud voice " help me Jesus!!! " knowing that I was on my last breath. It literally feels as if you are going to die, hopefully you come out of it and realize that your just having an episode, but they all feel as if its your last day on earth.

    I have been helped only by making adjustments to the machine. Over the course of some 2 years of fooling around with this, on a trial and error basis, I finally one day realized that my disturbances, despite having the machine at my disposal, was due to a lack of air pressure. One night I said to myself, I'm going to try to ramp this thing up, way up, and after about 2 literal years of hell, I finally hit paydirt. The pressure which the doctors had set was at a point that was too low for me to gain any benefit from, whatsoever. After becoming accustomed to the severe changes in air pressure increase, I was able to acquire sleep for the first time in years.

    Mentioned earlier was a dear neighbor who lives directly next door to me who I was forced to have to talk to one morning, while trying not to be rude I listened to her complaints about the squirells that are a problem for us as they have made a home in some of the deteriorating portions of our adjoining homes, you know how standoffish we are as a people, even if we are no longer witnesses, an unfortunate aspect of our conditioning, to make an even longer story hopefully less long, she mentioned how she couldn't hear any thing anyway as a result of the noise from her air-conditioner which remains running on a constant basis during the summer, and her CPAP machine, and then came the moment of clarity, we now have something in common that I can talk about regarding our similar situations.

    We talked for about an hour about various things after that and in spite of 10 years being next door neighbors and having nothing more than hi's and how do you do's to say to each other, that connection was my baptism into the wonderful world of strangers and worldly people who truly have your best interest at heart.

    I have no health insurance and you just can't get replacement parts for medical equipment without a doctors approval, or a prescription and they can't be bought over the counter as you do an alternator for a automobile.

    As I had come downstairs that morning to try and see if there might be some way I could rig up my mask and head gear that was dissasterously well worn, for whatever reason, I ventured outside and there was my neighbor who for whatever odd reason wanted to hold conversation about things that I was truly just not interested in at time. I listened, however, and in time we connected. This true neighbor, as Christ had described in the parable of the Good Samaritan, assured that I was to get a mask through her health coverage as she has congestive heart failure that can result in her death without the benefit of the CPAP she uses.

    Though I took her words for mere smoke signals at first, a little over a month into our chance encounter, she had her daughter knock on my door, and I was completely blown away when she presented me with the mask and headgear that seemed to be custom fit for me. I've gotten the best sleep in years over the past 6 months due to these things that have taken place. Forgive please the length of this, but it was a shining moment in my life that I can only attribute to ever endearing grace of God.

    Thanx 4 Hearing a Portion of My Story.


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