In the thread started last week regarding health coverage and whether it should be regarded as a right or a privelege in America, to be able to have access to it, this is one of the most disturbing of things that go on in this country. There are those who are suffering from the complications of sleep apnea and its debilitating effects.
So many on the boards responded last year as to thier dealing with this potentially fatal malady. What's worse is the fact that sleep apnea does not get the attention it deserves as a debillitating medical condition. Many responded regarding symptoms described here and were surprised they too have similar problems from this deadly malady.
There exist a whole subculture of folks, that for whatever reason, and many because here for no fault of thier own have no health coverage to attend to the most basic of needs, let alone something as intricate as sleep disorders.
People have never taken the lack of sleep and the destructive consequences of it very seriously, but after the death of Reggie White, professional football player and wealthy, with no need to ever concern himself with the lack of health coverage, for him to die as a result of this condition was just heartbreaking.
I never wanted it to be known that what I'm attempting to do for one of our brothers was to go public, but now that its out, this is the kind of community spirit and co-operation that is so necessary in this world of callous, uncaring and unsympathetic world, that is ours. The ability to access the most basic needs regarding our health is something I take so seriously, that whoever and however, access to medical coverage, FOR ALL PEOPLE, has the possibility to come down the pipe during the next elections, it will be a forefront burning issue which will continue my involvement in the political system. If it doesn't come around in 08, I'll be going to bat for whoever tries to get it off the ground in 2012, or the end of my life, or the end of the world or whatever comes first. This is a basic need of not just the common folks, but for every human being on the face of the planet.