Translation of Latin under pyramid. "New World Order" I think Joe Hober had this secretly placed there. :) LOL. Actually kinda spookey. Battman
Have you noticed an oddity at indoor conventions?
by truth_about_the_truth 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
If you notice this notice you wil notice that this notice has been noticed (or something to that effect)
Apologies for incorrectness, (did anybody notice)?
It shouldn't bother them. After all, their esteemed B.S. leader CT Russell is buried under a pyramid and the Queens assy hall has pagan Egyptian gods all over it.
I am not sure if this a dead thread and anyone is still reading but anyway...
First of all, HappyDad you are off your rocker. There is no such law requiring that a flag either be kept in or displayed in public buildings. And for the record Kingdom Halls are not technically "public buildings" they are privately (charity) owned buildings that are voluntarily open to the public (licensees).
Getting to the issue in this thread, I have noticed the flag present at most indoor arenas and most conventions that I have ever been too. (also often their is advertising/sponsor info by the way). Usually the flag is very large and is mounted in essentially a "permanent" location. Obviously this is convenient for sporting events and the like which have the National Anthem at the start of the event.
I suspect that whether it is possible to have the flag removed or not is a matter of POLICY and also a monetary consideration. If the building management permits at all the removal of the flag is the first step. Some may and others may not. In cases where removal is permitted, I can pretty much guarantee you that the work 1) has to be performed only by the building's personnel and 2) has to be paid for by the group renting the facility (probably have to pay for removal, storage and replacement after the event).
What is thus the interesting question is that if we assume that the policy does allow removal, what position does the society take? In other words, does it balance the potential presence of an idol within the meeting place against the monetary cost and which is the winner?
I can only assume from attending many a convention where the flag was present that if removal had been allowed that the Society chose to leave the flag in place and not pay for the cost of having it removed.
With regard to the funeral director/home and the movable Cross on the wall, I suspect that in this instance and similar circumstances that the funeral home has a flexible policy with respect to any religious images including the cross and is often in the habit of modifying the environment to suit the clients wishes. AFter all there are many groups, non-religious, atheist or persons of non-Christian faiths that might object to a large Cross as distracting or possibly offensive and any good funeral home would want to be accommodating.
If I remember correctly from my elder days and being on various committees such as "building" is a federal law that all public building have a U.S. flag in them........INCLUDING ALL KINGDOM HALLS. And KH's are considered public buildings. The flag does not....however....have to be visible!
Well, surprise, surprise, as far as I can tell, that elder was telling you a load of crap. I reviewed the US Flag Code and couldn't find anything requiring display of it. I think this is another example of a JW wanting to make himself look smart by claiming he outsmarted Uncle Sam.
BTW, if they are so worried about following the US Flag Code, then why do they not follow all of it? If they have a religious exception to part of it, why not an exception to the rest of it they find objectionable? It's against the same code to not say the Pledge of Allegiance or to sit during the National Anthem.