There has to be tremendous benifit to be able to do so.
How do we intergrate our masuline with our femine???
by frankiespeakin 56 Replies latest jw friends
If we are able to connect with the whole human race we would have to connect the 2 together and love ourselves as much as everyone else equanimity.
I just did a tab and a half of some pretty good estacy. So right know I feel honest and have to admit some thing that most male would be loath to admit. We need our femine side.
I think most of you femine ladies need to get in touch with you masculine side and you will get more response from your male partners. Lesbian I think may have a head start but I could be wrong.
The connection to our children would improve whether male or female lesbian or gay male our conection to other would improve
And imagine if the leaders of this world got in touch with their oposite sex or side and integrated the two to be come just one.
Awhile back many month ago,,I was reading a thread by a truely sweet mom Simple Sally and reading all the womens post was so refreshing and I was deeply touch thank you. Form that thread on I have gain new appreciation about how much we men need our moms.
maybe giving you all some X with the morning coffee would do the trick ??
Hey dude,
I AM in touch with my feminine side.
I have to wonder about should it be shown overtly as in dress perhaps to some it may be importan by I'm more towards conscoiuusly a recognition.
A man was part of his mother for nine months and it take 2 years for the seperation to be registered and the ego grows.