If a male could regress through the unconscious to when he was both him and his mother,,that has to be a tremendeous healing experience. It could cure all neurosis leave one with a tremendeous peace tand tranquilty if the imprinting was done as the regression occured
How do we intergrate our masuline with our femine???
by frankiespeakin 56 Replies latest jw friends
Frankie.... I think you're trippin'.
Ground control(Brenda) to major Tom.
However, I think this is a good thread-line, albeit it can be a bit personal.
Growing up I was partially disabled due to deformed feet. I was also overweight. My mom also did some overprotection. I was raised from age 2 learning the finer women skills like sewing, needle work, crocheting and knitting. My dreams when I was in gradeschool was to be able to run and play and do neat things on the monkeybars that the boys could do.
In the late 60-s 70-s it was sailing around the world with Robin Graham and Dove.
In the late 70's I did my first sailing. In the early mid 80's I started racing. Not many women did then. I worked my arse off! I also got on better and better boats. Better and better crews, until I was invited onto boats that just blew me away, because they were great and seldom had a woman aboard! But it was a real push because there was still some real male ego issues to confront on the water. A woman sailor had to work twice as hard as her male counterpart, and dance backwards on highheels.
In the 80's I got into computers... not just as a user, but, since I have always had a knack for repairing office machines, I got into the works of the 'puter. That lead to a career in the software industry. Another male-dominated field. I never made the same money my male counterparts did. I didn't get the raises, nor the promotions, but I did the work better than they did. I was once required to train a male to do my job, and he was paid literally twice what I was being paid. I notified personel of this descrepency, and was encouraged to move on a week later. I had them by the short hairs on that one and stayed on another two months until I found acceptable work. It was either that or they pay me a year's salary.
So, what this all boils down to, is I have always pushed the envelope of being an intelligent female in male-dominated sports and career.
I've been accused of being a lesbian. I have even been attracted to some women. I've chosen not to go there, and I'm perfectly happy as a practicing heterosexual.
On the male/female and sexual scale, I believe that not matter what our physical sexual makeup = male or female, emotionally and/or sexually we each fall somewhere between the ultra-femanine, and ultra-masculine.
Physically I'm very female. Sun sign, Saggitarious is male. Emotionally, I am just on the female side of center. Sexually, slightly farther on the female side of center. Mentally, I have a fairly balanced right and left brain, a little more left brained. Strong artistically and logically. Kevan, my spousal unit, is physically, very male. Sun sign, Libra is female. He is just on the male side of center emotionally and sexually, with a strong left brain. We are well suited.
A more simple reply. Sean Connery. No one would deny he is entirely male. Powerfully so. In an interview I read a number of years ago he was asked why his sex-appeal for both men and women. His response was in essence that through his beliefs he was in touch with his feminine side and understood how to use it. (I think he was into yoga and some other eastern philosophies, too)
Major Tom, howya doin up there?
I'm doing fine and do so enjoy your post bare only as much as you feel comfortable. You said so much that is interesting already.
But I don't think you can use % that accurately they give a very mean ball park figure,, What I wonder about is the total blending of the 2. That has got to be very good for our society.
I read some where that this intergration is needed for the human race to survive. Some say about 5,000 years ago man started Isolating things and this has cause a great increase of technology but also much unessarry cruelty and perhaps the internet will be of some use in this. Maybe we are headed for a consciouness breakthrough that will save us as a species as well as all life on earth.
Leave the mushroom man ! just kidding ((())) your choice if it doesn't hurt
Look ... I'm kinda feminine of course, but if you know me for real you also know I'm very masculine (YEP) it can be surprising, but most of the time I'm a 12 years old !
I betcha your a scraper (like a good tug of war) in fun too.
Frankie, I think an understanding of the feminine and masculine in each of us is necessary for personal and even true spiritual growth. However, I do not believe it could, nor should, become homogoneous. If it were, we would loose the strengths and weaknesses of each.
Similar to right-brain, left-brain. When we learn the differences and learn to work within their abilities and limitations, we can learn to address and use each for the ultimate benefit. Some people can cross over between right and left brain easily at will. Many cannot. I usually can unless I'm on a focused path, then get the heck outta my way. I'm primarily right-body dominant. Right hand, right foot. Common. I am also right eye dominant. Not common except in left handed people! I am not fully ambendextrous(sp) but I have things I use my left hand dominantly for and have many things that I can cross over.
Learning and understanding the Yin-Yang in everything is powerful, and in many ways very important. Each side has it's strength and it's weakness. Together they are greater than the sum of they're parts. However, they are still separate.
Hugs. (Don't get too lost out there)