ah, thanks avengers.
A proud brother writes. letter to Bill Bowen.
by avengers 68 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Have you ever noticed what collosal liars JWs are when they are anonymous? This man claims to have learned Hebrew so that he can study and prove the Bible translations for himself. Yet, he displays an incredible lack of understanding. Not only that, his spelling and grammar indicate that he has barely mastered English, never mind Hebrew.
I have also seen letters like this where the writer claims to be a non-JW intellectual who is just so damn impressed by how scholarly and honest the JWs are that he felt he had to take crayon in hand and write a semi-illiterate defense.
Anyways all your filthy talk about Witnesses are completly uncalled for. Your just pissed off because you got disfellowshiped
Tsk, tsk -- and he's censoring Bill Bowen for "filthy talk"? Not a very GOOD Witness, is (s)he.
Maaan oh maaan, not to hijack the thread or anything, but this has me ROFL!
so damn impressed by how scholarly and honest the JWs are that he felt he had to take crayon in hand and write a semi-illiterate defense.
Why don't you say anything good abouyt the religion like how millions are donated each year to the people in need every year like in Africa and several other third world countries, how in natural disasters Witnesses help EVERYONE with cleanup letting starngers stay in there home, contributing money.
I'd like to see proof of that, outside of Watchtower statements. I've never seen them assist someone in need locally, so why should I believe they do so abroad?
If your a Catholic and you do not pay the church, they look down on you and do not help anymore.
This is a lie. I was a Catholic until I was 26 years old and never donated anything beyond a little pocket change. No one looked down on me.
The Witness organization is the only religion that does not require to pay money, and you get treated the same.
Another lie. I was counseled several times because I didn't make donations.
I learned to speak and read Hebrew just so I can compare all the bibles of today to the original hewbrew bible that is in your public libary.
I'm sure this is a lie. The person who wrote this isn't even fluent in English, judging by their spelling and grammar. They don't even know the difference between "their" and "there". How stupid! I wouldn't trust this person to understand English properly, let alone Hebrew.
The Mormon religion reguires 20% of the
household income.Correct me if I'm wrong, but according to my knowledge it has always been 10 %.
Leviticus 27:30 (Contemporary English Version) Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Copyright © 1995 by American Bible Society
30 Ten percent of everything you harvest is holy and belongs to me, whether it grows in your fields or on your fruit trees.
As far as I know it's only 10 percent.
To the Catholic stuff, both my roommates were raised Catholic and although neither of them are practicing they both have said that if they were in need for anything all they'd have to do is contact their former priest to get help. They grew up on opposite sides of the States. They haven't been shunned by anyone for not believing. They have differences wih the Catholic church but they don't have questions about the chuch giving to those in need or cutting off those that don't practice. -
franklin J
I agree,My experience with the Catholic church ( despite all the bad press witht the pedophile priests) has been very positive. I find them to be a very caring bunch; cariing of others not affiliated with their own religion...they are a pro action community and they show it. The JWs are draconian by comparison....
...too bad while he was learning to 'speak and write Hebrew' he didn't take a stab at mastering his mother tongue...
If this guy writes Hebrew, I'll eat my socks.
This crap really gets me . I read this post on Silentlambs and was so angered i couldn't even finish reading it .
Let's see how Proud this moron is when the shit hits the fan and i can't wait.