A proud brother writes. letter to Bill Bowen.

by avengers 68 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    As far as I can see, this guy is little more than a 'Bowen basher' - and some others have empowered him by comments that criticize Bowen.

    I am sure that Bill Bowen is no saint. He may indeed have some traits personally that would not be pleasing to some, but why would some here wish to attack him and harmonize with the idiot, 'proud brother', that spewed the obvious trash he wrote.

    Nothing that this guy stated has any impact on the quality of Bowen's site - or the need for the issues he deals with to be in an open and public forum.

    Those who enter into the same court as this guy, by criticizing or attacking Bill's financial status, or real purpose in maintaining SL, are foolish. While we do not know the particulars of those matters - we do know the reasons behind his efforts, how he got railroaded, and what he sacrificed to get this issue out in view.

    I do not view him as a hero - but I applaude his efforts as heroic!

    As for the balance of 'proud brother's' diatribe, it is clear he has no more knowledge of the Biblical languages that I do. He just defends the organization due to the same level of brainwashing that many of us labored under not too long ago.

    I feel sorry for his bondage - I hope he sees thru the fantasy soon.

    Just my opinion


  • Heatmiser
    Raphael Re: A proud brother writes. letter to Bill Bowen.

    Post 51 of 51
    since 14-Dec-04

    While not a JW apologist, I doubt that the letter was written by a Witness in "good standing", my bet judging by the style and phraseology in the content of the letter , is that it has been purposefully written with a particular agenda in mind...

    If my suspicions are correct then the person who has written the letter does his/her cause a great diservice...

    Is it just me? Does anybody else take this post to mean that Bill faked the letter ?

  • simplesally
    The Catholic religions new bible lies. They took out Jehovah's name and replaced it with lord. There new
    bible is completly different from the Old King James version. They changed everything. I use to be catholic. I learned to speak and read Hebrew just so I can compare all the bibles of today to the original hewbrew bible that is in your public libary. I choose to be a Jehovah's Witness because there bible was the most accurate to the original manuscript. There where no changes between the two except the New Translation was worded so everyone could understand. Anyways all your filthy talk about Witnesses are completly uncalled for.

    Do I need to highlight the grammatical errors or spelling error first?

    I think this guy uses crayons to draw.

    I can see he forgot apostrophes and this guy should have mastered English before taking on HEWBREW. LOL

  • simplesally

    Oh, and Mormons do not require 20% tithing, but 10%. This guy is wrong again.

  • Sunspot

    Well......we can't see the letter, maybe he would get a "G" for penmanship! (giggle)


  • upside/down

    I was born raised and educated Catholic. The Catholics don't use the King James Translation (protestant). While in high school (Catholic) we learned how to spell and used the New American Standard Version and sometimes the Duoay(sp).

    Me and my family (3 kids) recently, literally almost ended up in the street through no fault of our own (except for being JW) and recieved no F*CKING help from our "brothers". This is a sin I shall have a hard time ever forgetting. After 20 years of unwavering loyalty and financial giving I was worthy of NOTHING. Meanwhile the Catholic charity in my town helped us NO QUESTIONS ASKED. I was a poor Catholic growing up and we were NEVER looked down on- that's another JW "myth" that they only wish was true, to make themselves look better than they really are.

    I make a challenge to all JW's- take half the time you put in your phoney balogna "ministry" and spend that time working overtime. Take the money earned and go give it to a homeless family.

    The elders REFUSED to help me when my kids were the victims of abuse at the hands of "brothers". They rather chose to let us be sacrificial lambs and "spare" J and the bOrg any "reproach". What a bunch of F'n BS!!! They angels and the deeemunz saw this, they know the TRUTH of the matter, and so do I. I have no further need of "witnesses".

    By the way isn't being "proud" as sin- go confess to the elders that you're proud and frequent "apostate" websites and see how "loving" you're treated. And don't pretend to have been Catholic- it's an insult to Catholics.


    u/d (of the gonna puke class)

  • Jim_TX

    "I learned to speak and read Hebrew..."

    Perhaps a bit more time spent learning how to write good English.

    He writes like many JWs who never finished High School. Very poor grammer and spelling.


    Jim TX

  • paws

    I have a close friend who is in the Police force and head of the Child Abuse department in my area.

    A short while ago, he was conducting an inquiry into a case of child abuse locally within the cong.

    As far as he was concerned, his team were confident from the evidence that they had a strong case which was very serious but he struggled to conclude the case and bring it to court because, as he put it, the Elders in the congregation all closed ranks and refused to help the Police to procede.

    My friend has children and is a sincere advocate for the safety of children. He was very distressed with this case because he felt he couldn't help the victims involved.

    Pure and simple TRUTH!


  • shera

    He,she is talking like a true brainwashed robot...lol

  • Honesty

    I like the Dub's letter because it's so typical....

    From "making full use" of Satan's World to Prominent and Well Respected Blah Blah Blah Pioneer in 10 easy weeks of agreeing with everything no matter how stupid it appears because the "friends" are so impressed with the dub's desire to be educated by Jehober.

    Maybe this one will stick around in the organisation being well fed until "Mother" is arrested, convicted and executed by Jehober for screwing with people's minds and lives, blaspheming Jehober, rewriting the bible to make "Mother" look so good, callously ignoring orphans and widows in their tribulation and promoting such 'brotherly love to others.

    If he survives the Big A he'll find out just how loving Jehober's organisation really was.

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