Judging by this guy's grammar, writing style and incoherence... he is obviously an "armchair scholar".
I'd love to see his credentials regarding his "Hebrew Language Education".
He reminds me of how Fred Franz lied about his "Hebrew Language Education".
Fred. W. Franz (1893 - 1992) was regarded as the best scholar of all the Jehovah's Witnesses' leaders. He was responsible for the Jehovah's Witnesses Bible-translation NWT (New World Translation).
Attorney. ?Have you made yourself familiar with Hebrew?
Franz. ?Yes?
Attorney . ?So you have a substantial linguistic apparatus at your command??
Franz. ?Yes, for use in my biblical work?
Attorney ?I think you are able to read the Bible in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Spanish, Portuguese, German and French??
Franz. ?Yes? (pursuer?s proof page 7)
Attorney ?You yourself read and speak Hebrew do you??
Franz. ?I do not speak Hebrew?
Attorney . ?You do not??
Franz. ?No?
Attorney ?Can you yourself translate that into Hebrew??
Franz. ? Which??
Attorney ?The fourth verse of the second chapter of Genesis?
Franz. ?You mean here??
Attorney . ?Yes?
Franz. ?No I wouldn?t attempt to do that? (pursuer?s proof page 102)
(The passage he was being asked to translate was a simple exercise with which an average first or second year Hebrew student in seminary would have no difficulty with. This conclusion was stated
by a qualified teacher of Hebrew. More untruths followed..)
Attorney ?I think you yourself left Cinncinnati University without taking a degree, as Mr. Leslie elicited, but I do not think you told us of one other matter. Is it the case that you sat for and were offered a Rhodes Scholarship??
Franz. ?Yes, I was offered a Cecil Rhodes Scholarship, I took an examination for that in the University of Ohio, the State University at Columbus, Ohio.
Attorney . ?What year was that when you were nominated for a Rhodes Scholarship?
Franz. ?That was in 1914, but in view of my decision as to the ministry as one of Jehovah?s Witnesses, I turned that down?
William J. Barber - Secretary of THE RHODES SCHOLARSHIP TRUST said however: ?I have checked our records and do not find that Frederick Franz was elected to a Rhodes Scholarship?