JWD flyers on cars at KH's

by ko38 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • RevMalk

    IMO there's more people out there that need to hear the truth than just JWs. The public needs to know what kind of people are knocking on their doors.

    Another idea I had, but never had a chance to follow through with, (and we were just talking about this in LambsRoar chat Tuesday), is to print fliers and mail to 100 random people a week, in turn asking them to copy (or print from website) and mail to 10 people, and so on. Kind of like a chain letter, but legal :) - Probably won't get a super high percentage that actually copy and mail, but some probably would.

    This was an idea to get the word out on the child abuse issue, but it could work for whatever.

    I still think an organized printed periodical would be a great thing. The pages could also be shown online and printed from home for distribution.

    Faxing the flyer to businesses and asking them to post them may not be a horrible idea either.

    Here and there for business advertising purposes I've even printed advertising on the outside of my outgoing mail envelopes and even put flyers in my bills. I.E. A few years ago I was buying and selling property online, no credit check, etc and I'd throw a flyer for our website in each piece of mail I sent out, even (especially) my bills and asked them to post in their breakroom.

    Aside from getting hits from the search engines, this was probably my greatest source of revenue which leads me to know for a fact that some of them really did post the flyers.

    There's all sorts of little things we can do to make a difference.


    edited because I used the word "Their" instead of "There"; Oy Vey! One of my pet peeves

  • Gretchen956

    If you could somehow get away with it, instead of flyers on the cars, what about bumper stickers? I'm not sure if they would classify that as "harming" the cars, but the bro.s couldn't just come out and whisk them all away. Think about the "witness" all of these cars would give driving home with www.silentlambs.org or something!



  • Junction-Guy

    I have recently started purchasing anti-jw tracts from a local christian bookstore and have been leaving them in gas stations, post offices, lobbies, etc etc etc.

  • NewLight2

    Why not use the local church membership to help? This could be done in several ways. Contact a pastor to discuss with him/her your concerns to reach out to JW's, and to PREVENT others from becoming entrapped into this cult. Many pastors will share your same concern.

    One idea that I have always had is to train church members to begin to start 'studies' with unsuspecting JW's and slowly ask 'questions' that would wake up the JW.

    Maybe someone here would be interested in writing such a 'training manual' that could be used in that church's Sunday School program, evening 'small group study' or similiar study group.

    The training manual should include enough information to 'cult-proof' the people who will later become 'studies'. We would not want any of these 'studies' to become entrapped themselves.


  • OldSoul
    NewLight2: Maybe someone here would be interested in writing such a 'training manual' that could be used in that church's Sunday School program, evening 'small group study' or similiar study group.

    Happy to oblige. Who would like to be the editor?

  • AlanB

    I had a similar idea recently. Would any of you be interested in an internet site where you could anonymously send postcards to your JW Family old friends etc from various parts of the world.

    The cards have various messages on them. As they are not in envelopes the key message is seen straight away. There would be a veriaty of different messages, 607, UN issue, links to sites, etc....

    Let me know if you are interested, I have the web site already set up so that I cannot be traced either.


  • kj


    My church had a class with a "training manual" like you mentioned. Here is a link to my friend's website- he wrote a manual to be used by churches: http://www.defendingyourdoorstep.com/


  • NewLight2

    Thanks for the link, kj


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