Odd announcements at meetings/conventions

by POs Son 40 Replies latest jw experiences

  • POs Son
    POs Son

    OK, here is one to enjoy:

    What odd, silly, embarassing, inappropriate or just plain weird announcements have you heard at meetings, conventions and assemblies?

  • ballistic

    Twickenham was great because it's in the flight path of the world's busiest airport - London Heathrow. The speakers would have to stop while planes flew over. Some years would be noisier than others, and urban legends would "fly" round saying that the elders had managed to get the planes diverted onto another flight path for the day (yeah - RIGHT!)

  • candidlynuts

    One circuit assembly they asked the women to please wrap dirty diapers up and take them home to dispose of.

    it went over real well... all us moms were hoping our babies would poop a big stinky one just so we could leave it in the

    trash there in rebellion.

  • blondie

    Candid, notice that:

    a) they assumed that only the women changed the diapers


    b) only a man would think that you could carry a bomb like that around all day in a diaper bag. I would suggest sitting behind the brother who made the announcement.

    Better solution, stay home until the kid is potty trained, around 18

  • rebel8
    One circuit assembly they asked the women to please wrap dirty diapers up and take them home to dispose of.


  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    one district assembly they asked all the john denver fans to get up and leave


  • blondie
    one district assembly they asked all the john denver fans to get up and leave

    Very, very good; WITTY.


  • Preston
    One circuit assembly they asked the women to please wrap dirty diapers up and take them home to dispose of.

    When I was a erstwhile MS I was told by the PO to give a similar announcement from the platform. I did A few sisters came up to me after the meeting informing me of my error. I apologized, I would never keep a turd in my pocket, why would anyone else have to.

    I did call the information board, the "bulletin board" once from the platform to make up for my towing the party line on plastic diapers.... Please forgive.

    - Preston

  • TresHappy

    The saving seats announcement. They would make that request several times an assembly. I used to save seats just to piss the men off!

  • blondie

    I hated it when they told us to stand up and when to sit down for the announcements and the songs. I would just sit and get up and go to the restroom when they ordered us to sit down.

    Was it my imagination but didn't they say something about the donation arrangement (as if many had over $250 to donate at one time) at least twice a day?

    I remember one congregation where they announced that minor children living at home had to be accompanied by a parent to the restroom. That was a supremely stupid move since at least 4 sisters were single mothers with sons.

    Blondie (still sitting and standing when she wants)

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