What is the next flash of New Light?

by Pole 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Pole

    I personally feel they will have to "adjust" the FDS doctrine. The tricky thing is that the FDS (whoever they are) won't approve this change while they're still alive. They don't care, they subconsciously feel it's their end anyway and they won't undermine their doctrinal position having lost all corporate power.

    So who will send this beam of new light? The other sheep at the Writing Department at Brooklyn after the annointed old-timers go? How will the average JW know this new light originates with Jehovah? Catch 22.

    What do you think is the next important doctrinal change in the WTS?


  • unclebruce

    The disappearence of the FDS is a problem - but worry the Brooklyn boys will find a way arround it. E.G: Some have always felt that the complete 144,000 should be in heaven to be able to rule for exactly 1,000 years (my Father argued that way back in the early 70's).

    If I ruled Watchtower world I'd re-crunch the numbers .. 2035 sounds a likely time for a Great Tribulation. It's far away enough for me, as the new Brooklyn Oracle, not to be caught with my pants down and yet close enough to keep the flock'n sheep in line for the next 30 years. Come to think of it, I wouldn't write that date in the Watchtower just spread the rumour via the CO's lol


  • ozziepost

    oraclebruce???? struth, mate, shouldn't that be spelled cracklingbruce?

  • unclebruce

    Hey ozzie, I know I'll never be a Brooklyn Printing Umpire but a man can dream can't he?

    ((((((((((((((Giv's a hug ya ol' bastard!))))))))))))))))))))


  • blondie

    Actually, 2034 has been put forth as new date for the GT to come, tongue in cheek.

    1914 plus the 120 year interval from the Noah account = 2034

    A few years ago the WTS said that there would have to be some of the anointed living when the End came and that the "rapidly" decreasing numbers of the anointed (haha) prove that we are "deep in the time of the end."

    w00 1/15 p. 13 "Keep on the Watch" ***


    the number of genuine anointed disciples of Christ is dwindling, though some will evidently still be on earth when the great tribulation begins. Most of the remnant are quite elderly, and over the years the number of those who are truly anointed has been getting smaller. Yet, referring to the great tribulation, Jesus stated: "Unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short." (Matthew 24:21, 22) Evidently, then, some of Christ?s "chosen ones" will still be on earth when the great tribulation begins.

    The WTS believes that not everyone that partakes at the Memorial is "genuine" or "truly anointed" even though they are counted. It will be hard then to know when the last "truly anointed" is about to die and the end is near....

    I do believe that they will have to come up with some explanation including the previously non-anointed brothers at Bethel in that group. The WTS once taught there was a two-tier heavenly class...they have flip-flopped before and gone back to an old teaching...such as the who the superior authorities are.


  • TheEdge
    The disappearence of the FDS is a problem

    Can someone explain this? I (incorrectly I suppose) believed that the FDS was God's earthly link - relaying Spiritual food, at the right time, from God. I also believed that the Governing Body consisted of them.

    If they are physical people, how can they just 'disappear'? - die, yes, I understand - I need EDUCATING.

  • Justin

    By their "disappearance," I think their death is actually meant. Theoretically, the FDS is the entire anointed remnant left on earth, but practically (in reality) it is the Governing Body. This is supposed to be the "channel" on this side of Armageddon (or the Great Tribulation), but once on the other side it gives way to another arrangement as all of the anointed ones must die in order to inherit the heavenly kingdom. After Armageddon, it is expected that the pre-Christian witnesses of Jehovah (such as Abraham, Moses, David, etc.) will be resurrected to the earth and, in effect, take the place of the anointed Governing Body.

    As to how or why the last anointed ones will die is a very shadowy area. When I was a JW, I assumed that the benefits of Christ's ransom sacrifice, when applied in a physical way and allowing others to continue living on earth indefinitely, would not be offered to the anointed ones so that they would then die a natural death. What the friends are here concerned about is simply that, as time goes by, all members who qualify to belong to the Governing Body will die without there being any Armageddon and then the organization will have a crisis in leadership. This will need to be fixed in some way.

  • Honesty

    How do you cover up over 120 years of lies and bluff? Inquiring theocratic minds want to know.

  • Gill

    How do you cover up 120 years of lies and bluff?

    Buy all the old literature that comes up for sale on ebay and burn it at Brooklyn!

    I"ve often wondered who's bidding on the old books on ebay and come to the conclusion that the people who need the books most are the ones with the most to lose if all that information becomes available to the rank and file.

  • Honesty

    Hi Gill,

    Their unlimited damage control expense account probably insures them of Jehovah's hand in the bidding. I used their literature a lot... to prove to the servant body that the borg just ain't right 100% of the time like the elders claim when they impose uphold theocratic demands directions.

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