What is the next flash of New Light?

by Pole 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OldSoul

    Next new light?

    Well, the FDS went from being a prophet, with all the authority and accountability of a prophet, to not being a prophet but with all the authority of a prophet. The next step would be for them to admit that the FDS is not anointed but is being used as Jehovah's channel anyway.

  • freedom96

    The WTS claims to have it all figured out, but why can't they read that scripture in the bible that says no one knows when it is going to happen?

    They have no business trying to figure out some new date.

  • Pole


    The disappearence of the FDS is a problem

    Can someone explain this? I (incorrectly I suppose) believed that the FDS was God's earthly link - relaying Spiritual food, at the right time, from God. I also believed that the Governing Body consisted of them.

    If they are physical people, how can they just 'disappear'? - die, yes, I understand - I need EDUCATING.

    According to the WTS, there are supposed to be only 144,000 annointed ones in the entire history of christians. Some of them lived in the 1st century. The WTS has held the view that the gathering of modern annointed Christians was theoretically completed in the 1930s. So the great majority of Jehovah's Witnesses who joined the org after 1930s are not annointed. Only annointed Christians can become mebers of the GB or the FDS. From time to time there are a few witnesses who discover they're annointed too and that they will replace some other old-time annointed ones who weren't faithful enough. But the 144k is a constant number. No room for extensions.

    This means that the future of the WTS leadership is very uncertain - at least at the doctrinal level, but also in terms of human resources. Something has to be done about it, but the NY gerontocrats don't care to do anything.

    One makeshift solution is accepting some of the newly annointed brothers on the gb. In fact half of the GB members were born in 1930 and later which is after there were supposed to be no new annointed Christians. This solution has a very serious drawback though. The population from which new FDS/GB members can be selected is currently only around 8600. Most of them are very old, and more than a half are women (and they can't make it to the GB). And there's no control over who declares themselves as a newly annointed Christian.


  • TheEdge

    The FDS is God's earthly channel - relaying 'Spiritual food' at the correct time - all from God - so the ORIGINAL FDS (at the turn of the previous Century) were either faking or receiving information from elsewhere (or just dreaming it) - their prophesies proved WRONG (and God would make this information CLEAR as so many lives depended on it)......and it goes on over the years...one false prophesy after another, ALL originating with God??lol

  • Pole
    The WTS believes that not everyone that partakes at the Memorial is "genuine" or "truly anointed" even though they are counted. It will be hard then to know when the last "truly anointed" is about to die and the end is near....

    Wow Blondie. That qoute was quite revealing to me.


  • frenchbabyface
    Re: What is the next flash of New Light?

    God I mean Jehobah is dead !!! ... that's what we though we eard message from him but actually it was all from satan ... save yourself kids theres no shelter anymore ...

    Ok now those who didn't understand this last light : give us all your money, and tell your familly to do the same (and door to door of course more you grab more you'll be appreciated - we will tell you how later) ... that's the last light ... (cause we are tired of bullishing - lets us get straight on this as far as you buy anything we want you to) Jah needs money (he can't manage with that so it's very important ok) that's why he need you do not messed up with the bank order account number (cause Satan might get in the way and the gov still the monney you wanted to give to god if they know how much - So you can give it all in cash to us if you want to be sure)

    I'm almost serious here

  • one

    I beleive when the GB stepped out as corporate officers they made clear they were still in command and the corporations were merely "instruments" as they always said before.

    Therefore the younger (60 years?) FDS/GB members will rule

    BUT if those young ones decide to (after the old ones died shortly) do away with the FDS, 1914 plus some adjustments here and there etc etc nothing will happen to the WT, jw membership may even grow as imo the WT is better organized;, from top to bottom, than any other religion that i know. Envigorating changes are always welcome among members of any org.

    Even big ships can turn 180 degree and stay on "course", look at Germany, Russia, China.etc, it takes willing sailors but mainly a good captain.

  • TheEdge
    BUT if those young ones decide to (after the old ones died shortly) do away with the FDS

    HOW? THe FDS are approved by God - how can man dismiss them?

  • GetBusyLiving

    : BUT if those young ones decide to (after the old ones died shortly) do away with the FDS, 1914

    You gotta think this thing through man. They can't do away with 1914.. no way, no how. Everything in that religion is based on that date. How would they be able to claim to be God's channel? What about the two tier salvation theory? When would the 'composite sign' of the 'last days' begin? Not even the Watchtower could pull off getting rid of that doctrine. They are just gonna demonize dissenters more and more, the smart ones will see through the bullshit, and the rest will die confused and hoping.

    LOL now I'm a prophet!

  • TheEdge
    BUT if those young ones decide to (after the old ones died shortly) do away with the FDS, 1914

    Not possible if God put them there - and if He (God) didn't, then it's all a fantasy.

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