no way, no how.
anything is possible. A famous "Tower" in Italy was sure to fall because the foundation would not support it anylonger, instead of falling now, many years later is major tourist atraction.
Creativity can turn anything around, specially if there is money to do it.
As a FDS member said, the WT could "rationalize anything"
They already eliminated the "generation", a decades old teaching,
The WT usually wait as much as possible to change major doctrines or teachings, that's when most members are very tied to the religion, dead or too old to complaint, New membar do not even notice the change.
Old or mature jw are either brain dead or too smart to act against their life support and long cared interests.
Have in mind that most people became jw not because of the FDS but becasue of the "GENERATION", fearng a sure destruction that was "around the corner",
Did the above change caused the WT to dissapear? ti affected somehow but jw did not even talked about it.
the very fact that jw at present can not see the link between the FDS and the religion itself is a good indication that when they do change the FDS teaching no jw will notice or complaint for the reasons stated above..
The Soviet Union not longer exist but Russia is still a major power... the only constant in this world is "change", other wise Catholics would still be burning "witches " and "protestants" .