9/11 Conspiracy?

by mkr32208 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • RunningMan
  • Mary

    I think the "conspiracy" around 9-11 has no bearing on it whatsoever. My cousin lives in Washington D.C. and he saw the plane about 20 - 30 seconds before it hit the Pentagon. He told me it was so low, you could tell it was going to crash and sure enough they heard the crash shortly thereafter.

  • Leolaia

    franklin....I'm so sorry the tragedy touched you so personally. And for those who work in the area, I could not imagine having to live with it in my own surroundings day in and day out. I live so far away (tho I go to NYC a lot), and the event was so burned in my psyche that I had recurring nightmares about it almost every night for up to two years later. I don't know how I'd be had I been there and saw that in person....so heartbreaking. (((hugs)))

  • BrendaCloutier

    Tell the conspiracy theory to the innocents that died in the towers, and the pentagon! Tell the conspiracy theory to the families (edited to add Friends - FranklinJ) of those left behind. Tell the conspiracy theory to the Fire and Police of NYC who did not die. Tell the conspiracy theory to the Fire and Police that volunteered their time to go to NYC and help dig in the rubble.

    Watch the video's of those hanging outside the towers because the offices they are in are burning. The people who jumped to their deaths to avoid the fire.

    I sat and watched TV for 4 days before I could turn it off. I'm in tears now over the memories.

  • Pleasuredome

    not wishing to be too flippant, but can we also tell the conspiracy theories to the fbi who claimed to have found a passport of one of the hijackers a few blocks away, which the fbi now claim 'is a rumour that may be true'? or will we be wisked off to jail under the patriot act without any rights?

    i also wonder if we could speak to the victims families about the effort they had to make in getting the US government to launch an inquiry into 9/11, and also how they feel about the whitewash of the report.

    anyone who's done any serious reading on this subject will know that the official story is complete bs for a start. a child could take apart the timeline of 9/11 as given by government and official sources.

    most of you who start trashing so called conspiarcy theories about 9/11 dont even know the official version of what actually happened that day, let alone any evidence pointing to cover-ups and deliberate inaction.

    now if your not interested in doing any research on the subject because your blinded by your beliefs, then switch the telly back on, and sit down in ur easy chair and carry on drinking your beer.

  • Brummie
    most of you who start trashing so called conspiarcy theories about 9/11 dont even know the official version of what actually happened that day

    and you do? Where did you get the official version of the story?

    Brummie (ps, BTW good to see you posting again)

  • stillajwexelder

    There were many people on theground and elsewhere and allegedly in WATCHTOWER HOUSE in Brooklyn who physically saw planes fly into the buildings -there is no conspiracy

  • BrendaCloutier

    Nice to see you again, pleasuredome, but yes, you are too flippant.

    I do not doubt coverups of the intelligence goofups by the government. Too many trying to save face. But the bottom line is when has a 747 full of fuel been used as a weapon of mass destruction before? It was part of a plot-line in a book by the author of Hunt for Red October - brain fart and I cannot remember his name. Small planes have been used. Jetliners have been bombed out of the air, but not used as a weapon. Hindsight is always - always 20/20. Could you have done better pre-9/11?

  • Brummie

    Still, the issue is not that the event didnt happen, it certainly did, undeniably (Though I'm sure they will be trying to deny it in 50 years time), the issue is that the conspiracy theorists try to lay the blame for it on the USA Government rather than on the terrorists. Its similar to those beheadings that were shown live on the internet, see that bloke with the cape on, you couldnt see his face but you could see his ring? That was george bush ;)

    Since the USA government also caused the Tsunami, it wouldnt surprise me if the conspiracy theorists are correct. (now you must know this is sarcasm and not to be taken seriously)...

  • jws

    A good book on the intelligence failures is "Intelligence Matters" by Senator Bob Grahmn. He was chair of the Senate Intelligence committee and a former govenor. He was also a member of the Senate investigation committee. So, he may be partisan, but he probably doesn't wear a tin hat and live in an aluminum trailer.

    According to his book, there were several occassions where we could have prevented 9/11. Sheer bureaucracy helped allow 9/11 to happen. And it definately seemed like there were several things covered up. First being the places where our intelligence broke down and warnings were ignored or not acted upon. Second being the monetary ties between terrorists, the Saudi embassy and members of the Saudi royal family.

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