I don't think God is fair./what do u think?

by wednesday 80 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    "God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him." ( Acts 10:34, 35 )


  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog
    Does he provide me with only the good things or is he responsible for the evil as well?


    You remind me of one of those ppl that would stand after receiving an award and say, "I would like to thank the LORD Jesus for giving me this"

    That's me.

    D Dog

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    What's your point? I believe he chooses men from every nation. He doesn't care where they're from

    D Dog

  • bebu


    Part of the question is, how much information/experience is enough? I was trying to say that even if they had had a "mental picture/movie", it could always be argued that they still could never comprehend just how awful it really was. We read about fatal accidents on the highway, or children accidentally killed by parents in a freak accident. We cluck our tongues with great sorrow, but we still only have a tiny grasp of how utterly devastating such situations are. I heard of a child accidentally killed by an uncle, run over by a tractor... and even with my best imagination, I cannot grasp what the fullness of the uncle's horror was as he looked upon that dead, broken boy. We "understand", but unless we experience a situation it is not really "known". So in order to warn those 2 fully, information alone (even a mini-movie of aging, sickness, accidents, etc.) could never deliver the full punch.

    Maybe A&E had understood (information) the difference between good and evil... but didn't know (experience) it yet? The word knowledge in the Bible has a lot more depth in it than our own...

    ...OTOH, there are people who do know from experience how awful a certain choice is... and they continue to make it for one reason or another. So even experience itself is not always a deterrent to a particular behavior. (I wonder if there is anything that is, apart from being a robot??)

    I am writing here with the premise that this story is hypothetically true, btw. I still find it very interesting!


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    He's shown partiality with his favorite ones. Go back to my example of King David.


  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    I never said he didn't have favorites. We just don't know what His basis is for choosing some and passing over others. So how can you judge His fairness, we can't see the big picture.

    D Dog

  • LittleToe

    Jez:I'm still waiting for YOUR answer to the following:

    Prove to me that man (like any other animal) wasn't going to grow old and physically die like every other observable creature!

    Just because you have plenty of questions doesn't mean that we don't have plenty of our own to ask you...

  • LittleToe
    Are you trying to force me to look at things from a different perspective? Why would you do that?

    Perhaps because you are doing the same to everyone else...

    It also seems that you've sped read my question and STILL haven't answered it...

  • ellderwho
    Gen 2:17 God says that if they eat from the tree of knowledge, "...you will positively die." Satan said in Gen 2:4, promised them that "...you positively will not die." Death here was the issue. So, when they disobeyed, God put them OUT of the Garden of Eden because he did not want them to eat from a stupid tree of life Gen 3:22, "that he may not put his hand out and actually take fruit also from the tree of life and eat and live to tiem indefinite"

    Little Toe welcome back, didnt we spend a couple of months on this very subject?

    Jez, Did Adam and Eve catch God by suprise with their decision. And why was the tree there to begin with?

  • LittleToe

    You're looking at the wrong question - I re-quoted it for you.

    A little less frustration, and a little more comprehension may go a long way
    Luvs ya

    Hi Buddy.
    Same topic, different slant

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