Ugly People

by Fe2O3Girl 95 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Ugly People

  • LittleToe

    G Money:

    So you can eat right, exercise and be happy, healthy with an epic sex life or...
    Fat and ugly and depressed and die young and unhappy and be buried in a piano box. Your choice.

    Only it's not always a choice, is it?
    Some poor souls are are cursed with excess pounds and multiple-orgasms, other's are blessed with not being able to enjoy themselves for the fear of bruising and breaking a hip.

  • ballistic
    other's are blessed with not being able to enjoy themselves for the fear of bruising and breaking a hip.

    hmmm, LT, that's a new one! I have worried about someone snapping in half once.

    Anyway, wish me luck - I have a hot date tomorrow - and they are few and far between in my reclusive life.

  • stillajwexelder

    If I go in a bar women approach me - so I do not know

  • ballistic
    If I go in a bar women approach me - so I do not know

    Stilla, can you bring me a beer as well when you have a minute

  • LittleToe

    A word to the wise...
    Stop being a recluse and "Just do it!"

  • frenchbabyface


    A seperate point, I wouldn't consider myself ugly, but one of the many lessons I learnt as a young lad leaving the org, was after chasing a woman for months who made excuses, and "wasn't that kind of girl" only to see her hop in bed for a one night stand with my friend who looked like Tom Cruise. What was the lesson now? ... errr, oh yes, life's a bitch.

    Ooops wrong subject (somehow) ... that's when people are misslead by beauty (very common) ... That still doesn't mean she's a bitch, just ugly somehow ...

    Men and women most of time put them all in one room and if there is only one (for instance) so called beauty male or female every male or female will workship only that one !!! or playing like they didn't see or like that one acting like I don't care at all (both are acting stupid) you don't know what you miss in (*) workshiping everybody to see clearly

    if there is 2 or more (well same thing but they will acting to make one jaleous of the other) even more stupid ... LOL ...

    Eddited to add : (*) put NOT

  • ballistic


    Stop being a recluse and "Just do it!"

    Yes, I am, and I will!!!

    FBF, yes, as we say over this side of the water, "there's nout as queer as folk" - which means what a funny lot us humans are.

  • frenchbabyface


    which means what a funny lot us humans are.

    Yeah its all about that !

  • FlyingHighNow
    You can't say because someone has an illness which makes them fat that they are exempt from this fact of life.

    One thing to keep in mind here, a lot of people think that it's a fact that all people find plumper people to be ugly. This simply isn't true. I used to be brainwashed to see slim as the only type of human beauty. I opened my mind and began to look for beauty in everyone. I see a lot more beautiful people in this world than I did when I was a younger woman.

    Don't cheat yourself. Open your eyes. If you think only super models and top actors and actresses are beautiful, you're missing out. Why live in a world full of "ugly" people when you can live in a world of beauties?

    It never ceases to amaze me that very plain or even "homely" looking people can be the biggest nit pickers when it comes to the looks of others.

    One of the first clues to me that I was unlearning my narrow view of beauty was when I saw the movie Uncle Buck and realized how attractive John Candy was. Part of it was his awesome personality. Part of it was that they portrayed him, a big man, as being attractive and sexy to two of the female characters.

    When the only people you see portrayed as sexy are young, very fit actors and models, you can be influenced by it to the negative. The show Keeping Up Appearances is wonderful example to the opposite. Hyacinth, Daisy and Rose are all portrayed as women with a lot of sex appeal. You have men chasing Hyacinth and trying to get a little tickle or kiss. You have Daisy dressed in leather, riding a cycle with a young guy, trying to make Onslo jealous. Then there's Rose who is a major tart.

    Why short change yourself and other people by limiting your idea of beauty? This life we live is so short: get the most out of it.

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