The Sneaky Governing Body and How They Steer a DF'ing Committee

by frankiespeakin 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    I was envolved about 16 years ago in a committee that sole purpose was to disfellowship a respected member of the congregation for being an apostate. We recieved information from the WT legal department and CO and DO on how to proceed. Often the CO and DO would meet with us individually to sort of direct the process.

    We couldn't get the brother df'd for apostacy so the legal made up 2 questions we were to ask the person and if they answered anything other than a "Unqualified Yes" to these questions then we were to announce under strict wording from the legal department that:

    "So and so was no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses" we were told by the legal department,, that we were not to answer any questions the friends might ask us about the announcement.

  • Little Red Hen
    Little Red Hen

    Frankie, out of curiosity, what were the two questions that demanded an unqualified yes?

  • Elsewhere

    That's very interesting... when being sued in court the WTS always claims that they exercise NO agency or control over the local congregation or its elders. They always claim that the local body of elders acts on its own.

    This is how they avoid liability.

  • Leolaia

    Yes, I'd love to hear them too. The Society denies having a creed, but those two questions could be as well be considered a "creed of Jehovah's Witnesses," with an affirmative answer to both of them separating the "heretics" from the faithful. It would be interesting to know what that de facto creed was for that person....

  • frankiespeakin


    I don't recall the exact wording been so long ago but they went something like this:

    1) Do you except WTBTS as the organization the FDS of Matt 24 is useing to accomplish the preaching work for our day? (I'm probably way off maybe someone else might have a better memory and can give a closer wording.)

    2)I don't recall the second but it may have been something to the effect that did he accept the authority of the Governing Body.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Gee - can I guess - can I ? Can I ? [Hand raising and waving in the air]

    1- Do you accept Jehovah's witnesses to be 'God's spirit directed mouthpiece'? [or substance]

    2- Do you feel under obligation to submit to the 'spirit directed' organization without hesitation? [or substance]

    At least these are what I suspect they would say here? Am I close? [looking like a puppy wishing approval pat]

    Not trying to steal the stage here Frankin -

    Just my opinion


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    A couple years back - when I was having doubts - but before starting the 'fade' - this one elder kept asking me questions that were similar to what I posted above - seemed like he was taking his lead from somewhere besides his own brain. [His own brain was not that much on the ball]

    Just my opinion


  • Leolaia

    See, it's not the charactertistic main doctrines that they use to attract new converts (e.g. "Do you believe that God is not a Trinity," "Do you believe that Hell is unscriptural," "Do you believe that God is going to turn earth into a paradise with no death or suffering", etc.), the real defining creed of Jehovah's Witnesses is the F&DS "We are God's organization/prophet/mouthpiece" crap that new converts do not learn until they're already partly committed....

  • LittleToe
    ... the real defining creed of Jehovah's Witnesses is the F&DS "We are God's organization/prophet/mouthpiece" crap that new converts do not learn until they're already partly committed....

    Aint that the bottom line!!!

  • frankiespeakin


    You may be close,,if only someone had correspondance available from the legal department I'm sure the wording that was used was also used in other congregations that were dealing with the same issues.

    The brothers was a respected elder in the Waterbury(CT) east congregation. He post here occasionally and maybe he remembers or tape recorded the questions. I wont give his name.

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