Sorry, I seem able to receive PM's, however when I send a reply they die in transit. Curse of the Apple computer i guess. So lets resurrect what I sent back to you when you ask about my beliefs:
One of the things I have done in my search for truth is abandon all "beliefs" about truth/God. This is accomplished by being very present in the moment and silently and without mental commentary or interpretation (in other words: in an atmosphere of mental silence) being with whatever the universe is presenting in this moment.
In this silent, open and accepting atmosphere it is possible to distinguish between all beliefs: all mental words, ideas, thoughts and concepts, and the conscious actuality and reality of Life. So, it comes down to discovering what IS, when all beliefs and interpretations are uninvolved. What is true when all ideas of truth are absent? All mental thoughts and fabrication (beliefs) can be seen to move through or across consciousness. They are unreal, as a movie is unreal. What is Real? What does not change or move? What is unquestionably, undeniably and unequivocally real and actual?
Rather than give value to philosophical and theological beliefs and doctrines I have chosen to just be nakedly present and allow truth to reveal itself. Anything I report here to you about what has been discovered is diminished and killed when put into words; like a section of a raging river placed in a bottle. One has to investigate for oneself. Millions can belief the same facsimile or dogma. But truth is too alive, too big, too intimate, too wondrous and mysteriously vibrant to be packaged into a belief even for one to believe.
When all thought is quiescent, conscious-awareness still is. Is there more to the conscious-awareness which reads this now than beliefs it is an individual "me" limited to and restricted and condensed within a body/mind organism? When all beliefs are seen as mere thought, what then? Who/what am I, really? Is there intelligent beingness and reality beyond thought? The entire universe and all life therein came to be without any thought from us. Perhaps there is far more here to see.
The search for truth is through discovering what is false. What remains when all that can be taken away is taken away -- is True.
It's about inner investigation void of religion, race, sex, politics, species or mental baggage of any kind. Not a word. Not a thought.
When there is nothing, what am I? Do I really have a beginning or an end? Look see. Looker deep within; be still, and see...
AlmostAtheist, Your Answer to PM
by JamesThomas 35 Replies latest jw friends
Hey JT that sounds a lot like Toltec philosophy to me, any influence? I really dig on that stuff.
I had to Google Toltec. I recall one of his books but have not read any of it. I would not be surprised though if there was much similar said.
If we look close at the core of all religions and spiritual works we can find such guidance as "The Kingdom is within". It's no secret. It's just that so much gets lost in the translation, and we have often come to believe that belief in a kingdom or truth within is something substantial. It's not. Believing that God is ever-present and within us means didllysqwot. We have to investigate and see and experience the unfettered, pure and free nature of conscious-awareness, the very same which reads this now, for it to be meaningful.
j -
What do you think of Buddhism?
I'm not for any religion, and feel the best lesson they can teach is they have nothing to teach. That said, generally Buddhism seems to have a more direct and less confusing understanding of inner truth than western religions.
The mind has created a very dense matrix of beliefs about who it is and it's relationship to the universe, that it continually adds to and protects. Religion can be a powerful cornerstone on which we build our false identity. I suggest just being present in this moment, and allow consciousness to nonjudgmentally see and watch as the mind works, so we can identify what is not the mind, not beliefs, but rather real and true.
Don't need religion for that. Don't need to go anywhere. just start by being still and attentive where we are right now. -
Wow, deep stuff JT. I see what you're talking about, but I'm going to have to read it over a few times before I really get it. (Which I did with all the other posters in my "god" thread from a month or two ago)
Thanks for your response, I really appreciate it.
I bet you would enjoy God's Debris, by Scott Adams. You can get a copy on, library might have it. It's definitely worth reading and you'd relate nicely to the Avatar character. (That's a compliment)
Thanks again,
Just out of curiosity JT, do you think there is an afterlife? Sounds like you are anti-domestication..
Jt, Long time since we talked, I can relate to what you have said above. Especially the limits if not hindrances of religion. However, It's my opinion that neither Jesus (who you quote, "the kingdom is within") nor Siddhartha (Buddha) intended to produce a religion. I suspect they both were on the path you are one, and their mindless followers lost site of their teachers vision and made a religion out of it. But is suspect you have considered this too. Jst2laws
Honestly, I am not concerned with an "afterlife". Yet, intensely concerned with what is Life/Truth/Reality right here, right now.
There will likely be little concern for what is true tomorrow in the face of what can be discovered right now which is beyond all time. Which is in fact That, which all time and space arise from.
But again, the more we talk about it, the less we are in silent investigation.
Really, I have little more to offer than to point at you and say look there. Look deeper there within your most intimate sense of conscious being: that which can not be denied as real and true. That's it. Anything else -- you tell me.
j -
Yes, jst2laws. I agree with you 100%.