and their mindless followers lost site of their teachers vision and made a religion out of it
This is so very true especially of Christianity. IMHO it was Paul who took control and turned it into HIS religion for his own power and redemption. I don't know enough of the trappings of Buddhaism to make a comments; except that if it has "trappings" it has become a religion.
I have never believed Buddha to be a "god" or "diety". To the contrary, my earliest understanding of him (besides my mom telling me he was a false god) has been a man on earth who, through his own work became enlightened to the reality of human existance (life is pain). He was a simple man, and a master teacher.
In JWism I never believed in the deification of the Christ including the scripture where he insists he not be bowed down to. His fulfilled purpose on earth was to relieve man of the incessant regulations and power of organized religion. Yeshua was a simple man, and a master teacher.
I have also come to believe that the core of (almost) every religion is that of love.
For me it took delving into native american spirituality, ceremony, and denial of and giving of self (personal sacrifice), that took me outside of myself to the mystical, and began my own enlightening process. (The way of the pipe, not the way of the peyote - they are not compatible)
Gaining insight into the workings of the earth and universe(s) has given me a glimpse of the agnositc god I believe in.
JT, LT, Ona, I very much enjoy your comments.