AlmostAtheist, Your Answer to PM

by JamesThomas 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • JamesThomas

    I'd like to add that I feel Jesus and buddha wouldn't have wanted anyone to believe them; but rather become curious enough to investigate themselves.


  • poppers

    Hi JT,

    Reading your words is to look into a cool, deep, still pond and to discover that what is seen there is my Self. Perhaps others who read your words will see the same. Thanks for sharing.


  • GetBusyLiving

    Hey JT I just noticed.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

  • codeblue

    Hi James:

    I do enjoy your posts!!!

    You do remind me of the book: "The Power of Now" , by Eckhart Tolle...

    How long were you a JW and what made you leave....? IF I can ask...or if you ever were one...

    and btw...I don't believe in organized religion JW experience burnt that well...and besides I don't need a religion to be at one with a higher power...


  • codeblue

    and I noticed too : Happy Birthday

    I wish you many happy days and more happy tomorrows.........


  • Huxley

    Happy Birthday JT!

    Enjoying this thread!


  • onacruse


    I feel Jesus and buddha wouldn't have wanted anyone to believe them; but rather become curious enough to investigate themselves.

    imho this is one of the most curious things about human existence...this pervasive and self-destructive compulsion to think that what others think, or what we think they expect of us, is what matters most.

    Isn't that what drove so many of us, for so long, in the WTS?

    And isn't that also what threatens us yet, even now, and often prevents us from moving to a newer and simpler plain?

    In that respect, I suggest that we consider the possibility: Jesus and Buddha never existed at all.

    Is that so scary?

  • LittleToe


    we look close at the core of all religions and spiritual works we can find such guidance as "The Kingdom is within". It's no secret.

    So very true.


    imho this is one of the most curious things about human existence...this pervasive and self-destructive compulsion to think that what others think, or what we think they expect of us, is what matters most.

    THIS is a scary reality
    Starting cults is not difficult at all!

    In that respect, I suggest that we consider the possibility: Jesus and Buddha never existed at all.
    Is that so scary?

    It's not scary, it's patently untrue...
    I sometimes wonder if it's an excuse, to avoid examining what they had to say for ourselves. As if we can soften the blow to our ego, that their sayings present, by writing it off as nominal fiction.

  • onacruse


    In that respect, I suggest that we consider the possibility: Jesus and Buddha never existed at all.
    Is that so scary?

    It's not scary, it's patently untrue...
    I sometimes wonder if it's an excuse, to avoid examining what they had to say for ourselves. As if we can soften the blow to our ego, that their sayings present, by writing it off as nominal fiction.

    Of course, I can't prove that Jesus or Buddha never existed, nor do I particularly care to try. I simply said "consider the possibility." Why? Because eliminating these 2 historical religious figureheads would force hundreds of millions of people to examine their lives for themselves, rather than merely and mundanely conclude that "I'm doing what Jesus said, so I must be OK," etc.

    I sometimes wonder if it's an excuse, to avoid examining what they had to say for ourselves.

    Dr. Phil makes many equally valuable observations about human nature, and in many respects more pertinent to the modern period. Difference is, he hasn't been elevated to God-ness, and (from what I've seen), viewers are very willing to say "Awww, that last show was just a bunch of garbage, and I don't agree with him at all." "True believers" don't say that about Jesus or Buddha.

    But, who knows? Maybe in a thousand years, Dr. Phil will be considered a God. Humans do have a tendency to deify.

  • LittleToe

    Who the heck is Dr.Phil?
    Have you been watching TV too much again, Craig?

    Btw, who deified Buddha?

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