Ever heard the saying that there aren’t any atheists in a foxhole - I think that is nonsense
No Atheists in a Foxhole
by hippikon 34 Replies latest jw friends
Now THAT makes sense.....Tina -
Mmm, no offense but if I understand what you're getting at then they die in foxholes too right..? I have nothing against atheists, but it's just kinda funny to me that sometimes there's such atheist pride that it conjures up an image of a man in a cape and tights with a big "A" on his chest..
"It is not so much that you use your mind wrongly--you usually don't use it at all. It uses you. This is the disease." -Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now
if I understand what you're getting at then they die in foxholes too right
No offence but the reference is to the sudden need to pray when danger looms. When the bombs start dropping.
hippikon said:
Atheists are born in foxholes
Hmmmm, I don't get it. I'm familiar with the normal "atheists in foxholes" statement, a smug and silly non-argument propagated by self-righteous believers, designed to reinforce their belief system and annoy freethinkers. Your version of it just doesn't make any sense to me. Can you explain it please?
Ubi dubium ibi libertas -
Hey All;
Atheism seems to me to be a belief system just like any other that has ever existed.
I once worked with a guy who was an avowed atheist, yet everytime something unexpected happened the frst thing out his mouth was, "Jesus Christ"!!!!!
"it ain't what ya do. it's how you do it" quote from the song "True Honeybunz" by Bahamadia
When things start to get tough that’s the time most people start to question God. .
Sorry Hippi, I see the point you're making. Of course, you have two possibilities: God exists and he's not doing anything to save you, or God doesn't exist so there's nobody to save you. I guess the emotional reaction is either anger or hopelessness, respectively. If you don't believe God exists though, it just doesn't make sense to be angry, though it can be a reflection of inner emotional turmoil.
But look at it another way.. Did God put you in the foxhole to begin with? If you believe God doesn't exist, then it's not even possible that someone else is responsible for your predicament eh? Remember too JWs don't serve in the military, so a clever one could reason that they wouldn't be in that predicament in the first place. I realize there are other scenarios which you might apply that, but there is this matter of individual responsibility regardless of whether one believes in God.
bigboi said:
Atheism seems to me to be a belief system just like any other that has ever existed.
To me it seems unlike just about any other belief system in that it does not postulate the existence of a god. That's kind of the point. Not believing in gods is similar to not believing in fairies, just on a larger scale.
I once worked with a guy who was an avowed atheist, yet everytime something unexpected happened the frst thing out his mouth was, "Jesus Christ"!!!!!
That's probably even less of a valid argument (if it was meant to be one) than the "atheists in foxholes" one. Some people say "Jiminy Cricket" in those circumstances. That doesn't mean such a being exists, or even that the person saying it believes so.
To me "Jesus Christ" is just the swear word I use when "fuck" would be inappropriate. (They can be combined, as in "Jesus fucking Christ" or just "Jesus fuck" as needed.)--
Ubi dubium ibi libertas -
Atheism isn't a belief system. There are many types of atheists who believe many different things. The only thing they have in common really is that they do not hold an active belief in any diety.
Atheism is a broad term that can include skeptics, agnostics, "strong atheists", heck - Christians are atheists too since they reject all other gods except their own.
I once worked with a guy who was an avowed atheist, yet everytime something unexpected happened the frst thing out his mouth was, "Jesus Christ"!!!!!
I might be missing the joke here, but this sounds like a figure of speech to me and nothing more. My apologies if this was just a light-hearted aside. :)
"Most people would rather die than think; in fact, they do so."
..........Bertrand Russell