In my opinion disbelief in god due to emotional reasons such as the foxhole scenario is not desirable. In reality, I think there may be many apathetic people who come to that conclusion based on such subjective reasoning. I think that many do, however, come to the conclusion that disbelief in god is preferable due to the lack of evidence for the (in my viewpoint) extraordinary claim of his existence. There are also logical arguments against certain types of gods (such as omnibenevolent or omnipotent gods) that may be the impetus for certain ones to reason in favor of disbelief in at least those gods and hold out judgement for other types. In the mean time they may reason that since there is no evidence for other types of gods, there is no real reason to believe.
I personally don't believe because I don't see evidence - especially in the god of the bible. I know I can not know for sure because there may be evidence in the future, but for now I suspend belief until evidence for god's existence becomes available (which may be never). I guess that makes me a type of Agnostic Atheist.
Did you know it is possible to be both a Jew and an Atheist at the same time? Calling atheism a belief system in relation to other religions is a stretch by any means. It's not even a philosophy - it's only a disbelief in something. There are no atheist meetings or ceremonies. All one has to do to be an atheist is disbelieve in god - that's all.
I think it would be a stretch to say that disbelief in Santa Claus (or god) constitutes a belief SYSTEM. Like I've already demonstrated, people from diverse belief SYSTEMs can share a disbelief in something. I would venture to define a belief system as being more than a belief or disbelief in a single thing. Does belief in the existence of Jesus make one a Christian? Does belief in the existence of Jehovah automatically make one a Jehovah's Witness? Does disbelief in Satan make one a Buddhist? Is disbelief in Satan a belief system?
I'm not trying to pick on you. I'm just trying to explore this a little more. I admit that I've never given it much thought before. :)
"Most people would rather die than think; in fact, they do so."
..........Bertrand Russell