Little Toe,
Did you miss it? The message in total misses the point of this thread but this foundation is the basis for all the rest of it.
by the_classicist 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Little Toe,
Did you miss it? The message in total misses the point of this thread but this foundation is the basis for all the rest of it.
Joseph:I don't believe I've missed the Christian message, in my travels, but to my understanding it has no bearing on the Trinity dilemma at all.
I'm just trying to pick through what you've presented to see a clear "message", however nothing seems to be rising to the top.
Would you mind humouring me, by restating it, please (and then perhaps show how that is borne upon by the Trinity doctrine)?
I don't believe I've missed the Christian message, in my travels, but to my understanding it has no bearing on the Trinity dilemma at all.
Little Toe,
Of course it does. And this is why I responded to the take on 1 John 5:7. I also demonstrated why this is the case. Your question was general in nature and not specific to this text so there was no need to bother with it. Even so I answered it.
Simply stated Christ was not God Almighty but a real Human Son of God. His Sacrifice was accepted by God in behalf of all humanity. And this sacrifice is the basis for all future human existence here on earth in a Kingdom ruled by this Human Christ with the power to raise such humanity to life here on earth once again.
Joseph:I guess I fail to see how the Trinity doctrine upsets your view of what the Christian message is.
If the main thrust of the message is that someone came to earth to take away sin and allow continued life on this planet, what does it matter if it were an angel, an archangel, or God the Son of God? Surely that part of it is abstract from the main message itself?
Sorry Little Toe,
I am not the one that is upset. I do not have a problem with anything I stated here. I understand the Christian message and can recoginze it when I see it. Have a good day.
Joseph:Who's upset?? I genuinely am trying to understand your perspective, especially in view of the foregoing comments by others.
I thought we were enjoying a rational discussion about the Trinity and it's relationship/non-relationship to the Christian message.
You're not projecting, are you?
Since I am not a bible, hebrew, or greek scholar, I cannot comment on what has been said. I will comment by experience and example.
I once dated a agnostic turned Catholic. He was having a difficult time with the trinity, and was uncomfortable with the explanation of his priest. I used the following to explain my understanding, and he was amazed because he "got it", and passed it on to his priest who was grateful.
In one cupped hand, you have God - the Father, the originator of the universes.
In the other cupped hand you have God - the Son, the creator of the universes. Whose power and authority was received by the Father. (God the Son's creation)
When you cup the two hands together you now have a "whole". The YinYang. A combined force that is greater than the sum-total of it's parts. The Holy Spook... ;) The Holy Spook is not a god. It is only the resulting power generated by the gods. It has no mind or will of it's own.
There are some followers of Light and Sound (Enkankar and others) that believe God (The Father) is sound, and God (The Son - Jesus) is light.
(I have a difficult time convincing a friend of mine that light has a higher vibration than sound - her attitude is that that is totally different than the plane we live in, and my attitude is that light and sound, no matter what plane it is on, is of god and thereby the same on all planes.)
Genesis 1:3 (NWT) And God proceeded to say: "Let light come to be". Then there came to be light.
God the Father said it, The Word, passing authority, power, and "energy" to God the Son, who did it and created The Light, and the combined power and "energy" gave way to creation. Think of one generator used to start another generator, and the combined power of both generators used for ...whatever...
God the Son later became The Light and the Way... Our Redeemer. I believe this is no coincidence in the use of Light, as both uses are physical and spiritual. (I have opinions I have developed on this Redemption business, but that is for another thread).
Yes, I am aware that Gen 1:3 comes after the creation of the earth. However, I also believe in the Big Bang and that the Big Bang was actually the creation of Light. Hey, the bible gets it wrong from time-to-time ;)
edited to add: Yes, I actually believe what I wrote.
here is another thing about the trinity
where does it say there are only three?
my bibles say there are SEVEN spriits of GOD
and there are BENI-Elohim or SON[s] of GOD numbering in the 10,000,000's, each one in the FORM of GOD
and called Elohim or Gods in different places.
the concept I find over and over again in the bible is that there is one who is GOD of gods, YHWH, and all the rest
which will include the SONS of GOD by adoption from humanity who will become BROTHERS of CHRIST, JOINT HEIRS of GOD[ship]
seems this trinity distinction is artificial in all directions save its origin in the pagan trinities which predate judhaism