I found the following information at: http://biblicalunitarian.com/html/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=77
The original Greek texts were all written in what scholars call ?uncial script,? which uses all capital letters . Thus, although we today make a distinction between ?Spirit? and ?spirit,? in the originals every use was just ?SPIRIT.? Whether or not it should be capitalized is a translator?s decision, based on the context of the verse .
And the following from: http://biblicalunitarian.com/html/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=138
Actually, Bible students should be aware that in both the early Hebrew and Greek manuscripts there were no spaces between the words, no punctuation marks, no chapters and no verses . The original texts of both the Old and New Testament were capital letters all run together, and it looked like this:If this is so, I can now see why it's necessary to take things in context. Can't rely on capitalization!INTHEbeginningGODCREATEDTHEHEAVENSANDTHEEARTHNOWT