Need prayers for my sister...she just got DF'd

by FreedomFrog 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • FreedomFrog

    Hi all,

    I'm really concerned for my sister and her husband. They both got DF'd last Thurs. and I found out today cause my mom called crying histerically telling me the news. My sister has a learning disability and can't quite understand why she's DF'd. They celebrated Christmas this past year. A JD meeting was formed and she said "sorry" but she did wanted to know why it was wrong. They wouldn't have DF'd them if they "hadn't asked questions". I'm angry! I'm angry with my parents. I'm trying to call my sister, but can't get a hold of her. I'm sure I'M going to get DF'd too for talking with her...but in good conscience, I can't ignore her!!! UGH!!

    So those that believe in a deity, please pray for my sister and I. I also want to handle this in a gentle way. I just want to cry. When is this maddness going to stop???

  • kgfreeperson

    Is this the sister who just had a baby?

    I'm really sorry your family continues to go through all this. I'm sending my best wishes and hoping this brings them all to realizing they all need to leave the organization.

  • TheEdge

    I understand your anger FF - your family seems to be going through a rough time at the moment - on the plus side, they BOTH got d'fed together AND they have YOUR support...

  • candidlynuts

    hugs FF.. i hope your able to reach your sister.

  • GetBusyLiving

    Do these 'elders' know that your sister has a learning disablity? What a bunch of assholes!!!!

  • FreedomFrog
    Is this the sister who just had a baby?

    No...actually, this is the sister that "turned me in" because she thought she would "help" me, and I ended up in a JC meeting. But I told a white (whopper) lie and didn't get DF'd myself. I'm trying my best to stay in long enough to help the rest of my family see the ways of the bOrg <ewww>.

    I did finally reach her. She was crying hard because she thought *I* was also going to shun her and it got her crying to see that I didn't and won't. She told me she was SO sorry for "telling" on me but she thought at that time that she was only helping me. She told me that I was the only one in the family (I'm considered the "black sheep") to show her love.

    So now, I need to go at this slowly, especially with her husband because he's STILL convinced that they were DF'd for the right reasons.

    I'm so ANGRY that I'm shaking here!!! I've just got to not show that anger and hold it in because of my parents.

    Oh, and get this...I was talking with Mom and asked her if it IS the right religion, then why can't she show me, her response "I don't have to prove it". I guess she doesn't have to prove it since she's a sheep and I'm not. Go figure.

  • FreedomFrog
    Do these 'elders' know that your sister has a learning disablity?

    Oh, yes, THEY KNOW!!! My sister, crying and all asked "how can I get help from my mom, I need her". (she's 3 months pregnant) She needs my mom more than ever right now. Mom use to babysit every week. I'm not sure if I can take THAT responsibilty because her kids are out of control. Maybe I can once a month or something.

    I have to step up to the plate now and be the big sister. That's a hard one because my sister and I have always butted heads.

    Oh, and the elders answering her, told her "well, now YOU can go out and to the bad things that you want to do". They also told her "you haven't *lost* your mom. YEAH RIGHT!!! Mom's not talking her as of yesterday when they found out.

    Thanks for letting me rant. I'm ANGRY, ANGRY, ANGRY!!!

    Did mention I'm ANGRY?

  • Elsewhere

    Amazing... they DFed her because she didn't understand why JWs think Christmas is wrong???

    That is messed up!

    Perhaps this will open her eyes a bit.

  • FreedomFrog

    Yeah, I guess they just needed an excuse to "get rid of her" since she wasn't worth the work because of her disability.

  • Neo
    I'm so ANGRY that I'm shaking here!!! I've just got to not show that anger and hold it in because of my parents.

    I totally understand... This makes me sick. Watchtower compassion in action...

    Oh, and the elders answering her, told her "well, now YOU can go out and to the bad things that you want to do".

    No comment.

    on the plus side, they BOTH got d'fed together AND they have YOUR support...

    That's a positive side on the story.

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